Page 22 of Baby Daddy

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She broke off the kiss with a groan and buried her face in the crook of his neck. “I’m so sorry. Ican’t believe I did that.”

“Nothing to apologize for. I’m sure as hell not offended,” he soothed with a tender smile. “But next time, Ithink we’ll pick someplace a little more private.”

Cassidy peered around in surprise, as though just realizing their location. Her eyes grew wide again. “How do you know where I live?”

“Hutch supplied your address when he filled out the application.”

“Oh.” She didn’t look pleased. “You mean we’ve been sitting outside my apartment—”

“Necking,” he offered helpfully.

“I can’t believe this happened.” She ripped free of his arms and glared at him. “This is all your fault.”

“You’re right. And I take full responsibility for your forcing yourself on me.” He nudged the conversation in a slightly different direction before she gathered her wits enough to verbalize her indignation. “Can you arrange for someone to stay with Hutch for the next few hours while we review your application? Ithought we could go somewhere private and decide how to handle it. Maybe have dinner together.”

“After what just happened?”

He wasn’t quite certain what one had to do with the other. But she’d seen a connection, which was the important part. “All the more reason, don’t you think?”

She stewed for a moment. “I—Idon’t know. Iguess we could.”

If that was an agreement, it was one of the most reluctant he’d ever heard. “Is that a yes?” he asked.

She hesitated for a split second more, then nodded. “It’s a yes. We might as well get it over with.”

“Gee, thanks.”

She had the grace to blush, not that she retracted anything. Stubborn woman. “I was scheduled to work tonight anyway,” she said. “So I’ve already arranged for a neighbor to keep an eye on Hutch. If you’d give me a minute to change, I’d appreciate it.”

“Sure thing.”

He’d hoped she’d ask him up to her apartment. He didn’t want to push, but the more he learned about her, the more comfortable he’d feel about that kiss they’d shared. He still had a tough time believing she was the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with. Two days ago, he’d have sworn that people couldn’t fall in love at first kiss—until he’d locked lips with Cassidy.

“Care to invite me up?” he prompted, well aware she had no intention of doing any such thing.

“I wasn’t planning to,” she confirmed with devastating honesty.

“I realize that.” He gestured toward the apartment building. “But since Hutch has his nose pressed to the window, you might want to change your plans.”

“There’s not much to see,” she informed him casually. Too casually.

He reached out and tugged on the end of her French braid, wondering why she didn’t want him to join her. It was almost as though she had something to hide. “It’s going to happen at some point. You might as well get it over with.”

Her breath escaped in a gusty sigh. “I’m being ungracious, aren’t I? My Aunt Esther always told me it was one of the worst sins I could commit.”

“Oh, I’d have thought there were a few worse ones.”

“You’re right,” Cassidy confessed. “And I even came up with one or two of them to prove it.” She offered a charmingly crooked smile. “Okay. I’ll be polite. Would you care to come in for a cup of coffee, Mr. Merrick?”

He inclined his head. “Thank you, Ms. Lonigan. I’d like that very much.”

It didn’t take long to troop up the two flights of stairs to her front door. Hutch stood there waiting for them. “Hiya, Ty.”

“Hey there, kid.” He started to ruffle the thatch of blond hair, but at the last instant thought better of it. No doubt Hutch considered himself too old for that. Instead, Ty fisted his hand and held it out, carefully bumping knuckles with the boy. It wouldn’t do to accidently bruise him. He suspected Cassidy wouldn’t take itwell.

“Mrs. Welch just left,” Hutch said as they walked inside the apartment. “We’re supposed to let her know if you want me to stay with her this evening. So...” He cocked his head to one side. “What are you doing home?”

“I...” A blush licked at her cheekbones as she closed the door. “I was fired.”

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