Page 23 of Baby Daddy

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Hutch’s mouth dropped open. “Again? What happened this time?”

She darted a quick glance in Ty’s direction, then looked hastily away. “I was distracted and dropped a tray on a customer,” she muttered.

Hutch whistled. “Wow. That’s a new one.”

She scowled at Ty, letting him know where she placed the blame for the incident. “With any luck, it won’t happen again.”

“Man, I’d be really ticked if someone dropped a tray on me. Was he hurt? Did he yell? Did he kick up a ruckus? Is that why you got fired?”

She suffered her son’s questions with amazing good humor. “Fortunately, Ty kept the customer from getting too upset.”

Hutch stilled. “Ty was there, huh? When you dropped the tray?” A knowing gleam sparked in his bright blue eyes. Damn, but the kid was smart. “Interesting.”

Cassidy’s color deepened, raging across her face like an out-of-control brushfire. “Yes, he was there. Now, if you don’t mind, Ihave to change. Mr. Merrick and I are going... are going...” She trailed off in confusion.

“On your first date?” Hutch offered helpfully.

“I guess you could call it that,” she admitted. If it gets one of their dates out of the way, Ty read between the lines. “We’re going to review my application form. Why don’t you entertain Mr. Merrick while I get ready. See if he’d like a drink.”


Head held high, Cassidy swept from view, the door to her bedroom shutting behind her just shy of a slam. Through the hollow-core panel, Ty heard an odd scuffling noise and Cassidy’s muffled voice saying something he couldn’t quite catch. But before he could ask about it, Hutch spokeup.

“She’s never done that before, you know,” he commented.

“Slammed the door?”

“No. Dropped a tray on somebody.”

“I’m relieved to hear it. Though I suppose it was only a matter of time.”

Hutch snickered. “She does trip a lot. She keeps saying it’s because she’s shorter in her head than in real life.”

Ty grinned ruefully. “Trust me. Iknow all about those extra three inches.”

“Yeah.” Hutch matched his grin—apurely masculine moment. “They sometimes get me, too. Especially when she gets excited and starts waving her arms around. Gotta be a fast ducker. You wanna sit?”

Ty eyed the two ancient chairs the living area had to offer. Ascrapbook stuffed with papers rested on one. He could just read what had been scrawled across one of the loose bits of paper: Great new apartment. Very roomy. He glanced around. She considered this roomy? His closet had more space. He examined the chair again. It probably couldn’t handle much more weight than the scrapbook, he decided. The other wasn’t much better. Neither looked capable of containing him for longer than two seconds flat before splintering. “I’ll stand, thanks.”

“Okay. You wanna drink?”


He followed Hutch into the kitchen. There wasn’t much furniture in here, either, though the place had been scrubbed spotless, as if to make up for the vast expanse of emptiness. Atable had been pushed against the far wall, one leg shored up with a phone book. Two mismatched chairs were tucked neatly underneath each end. Squashed next to the counter was a refrigerator older than Willie. As far as he could see, they didn’t own any small appliances—no toaster or coffeemaker, let alone a microwave.

Hutch rummaged in one of the cupboards and Ty caught a glimpse of the contents. Two plates, two bowls and two glasses. That was it. It told a grim story. The boy removed one of the glasses, opened a nearly empty refrigerator and grabbed a quart of milk. He poured Ty a glass and handed it tohim.

“I didn’t think the computer was gonna pick you,” the kid commented as he returned the carton to the refrigerator.

Ty took a swallow of milk, guilt souring the taste. It wasn’t bad enough he’d helped Cassidy out of a job. Now he was as good as snatching the last drop of milk from their mouths. You don’t need this sort of hassle, he’d blithely told her. The best thing you can do is walk away. Hah! Did she have any financial reserves to get by on until she found another job? He suddenly realized that Hutch was waiting for an answer and shrugged. “I didn’t know the computer would pick me, either. But I’m glad it did.”

“You like my mom?”

“Yes.” He forced himself to finish the milk and wondered if there was any tactful way of restocking her fridge. Knowing Cassidy and her independent streak, he rather doubtedit.

“You want to marry her?” Hutch asked, catching Ty off guard.

Damn, the kid was direct. “It’s a bit early to tell, don’t you think?”
