Page 52 of Mystery of Magic

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We burst from the tunnel just as the world around us erupted into chaos. The ceiling crumbled behind us, a deafening roar that seemed to chase us out into the open. Dust and debris swirled in our wake, obscuring our vision and marking the final crescendo of our harrowing escape.

Breathless and trembling, I turned to see the tunnel’s entrance sealed by a massive pile of rubble. We had narrowly avoided being buried alive, and the weight of our shared relief was palpable.

“Let’s not do that again,” I said as my heart continued to hammer in my chest.

Daryn flicked his wrist and the orb of light faded and disappeared. “Agreed.”

I stared at the dust cloud surrounding us. “This destination is officially off our honeymoon list.”

Daryn’s smile could make even the most devout woman weak in the knees. I couldn’t believe my luck to have him in my life. It wasn’t just his good looks, though, that had me enchanted; it was the essence of the man that made my heart race. There was something about the way his blue eyes sparkled, like they held a secret only I was privy to.

Daryn was the epitome of strength, his athletic build boasting muscles that spoke of discipline and determination. The way his shirt clung to his chest and shoulders sent shivers down my spine. His short, dark brown hair was meticulously kept, a military cut that suited him perfectly. The guild tattoo told the story of his unwavering loyalty and dedication, which only made him more irresistible to me.

But it was his smile that held me captive. When those full lips curved upwards, it was like a ray of sunshine breaking through stormy clouds. His eyes crinkled at the corners, revealing the warmth and kindness that resided within him. It was a smile that made my heart skip a beat and my worries melt away.

I had experienced my fair share of life’s ups and downs, and I had learned to appreciate the beauty of a genuine connection. Daryn wasn’t just a handsome face; he was a man of substance and character. His smile was a reminder that life could still surprise and delight me, even in the most unexpected ways. I cherished every moment I spent with him, grateful for the happiness he brought into my world. “I can’t wait to marry you.” The words slipped out, and he pulled me against his body.

“The feeling is mutual.” He kissed me and for a moment the dust in the air melted away, left only by the scent of evergreen and fresh rain. He stopped when I shivered.

“I would love to spend the day walking forest trials with you, but we need to get back. The dark witch is on the loose and we are both running low on magic. I don’t want to expend any power drying our clothes.”

“I know. Our clothes will dry in time, but I am not sure I can run yet. Can we walk at a brisk pace?”

“Of course.” He grabbed my hand, and we started down the trail that led back to our vehicle.

My mind swirled over recent events. “Who would go to all this trouble to release the dark witch, its complete lunacy.”

Daryn was silent for a moment and our boots, snapping the twigs beneath our feet, echoed around us. “I have no idea, but I intend to find out. The question is how they found her. We can assume she is the source of the mutant hybrids, but how she is doing it is another story.”

“Why do you assume it’s her? Maybe it’s the king... this is all so confusing, now.”

“It is. We appear to have unseen forces working against us around every corner, but we will get to the bottom of this conspiracy. It is all connected, somehow.”

Daryn and I were briskly walking along the forest trails, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature. The sun’s dappled rays filtered through the dense canopy of leaves, casting a warm glow on the path ahead.

As we chatted and enjoyed the tranquillity of the woods, a sudden, heart-stopping crack echoed through the air. My instincts kicked in as Daryn yanked me out of harm’s way. I stumbled back, my heart pounding, as a massive tree branch came crashing down right where I had stood moments before.

My breath caught in my throat as I realized how close I had come to disaster. Daryn’s strong arms had shielded me from what could have been a tragic accident. I felt a rush of gratitude for his quick thinking and protective instinct.

But what caught our attention next was even more bewildering. Daryn, ever the vigilant one, bent down to inspect the fallen tree limb. His brow furrowed in confusion as he ran hisfingers along the jagged edge. “The wood seems to have been sliced off by a sharp blade, rather than broken off naturally.”

“What does that mean?” It was a strange and unsettling sight in the midst of this serene forest.

“That someone just tried to kill you,” he whispered.

I had seen my fair share of the world’s mysteries, but this one left me with an eerie feeling. It was as though the forest itself held secrets and surprises that went far beyond the ordinary. And it felt personal. “We need to get back to base. Can you run now?”

We ran through the trails, and I felt a flicker of relief when the parking lot loomed in the distance. But as we neared the edge, growls erupted around us.


Daryn and I found ourselves in the parking lot, our lone vehicle standing as our solitary companion as nature’s creatures went silent. The growling had stopped, but the forest fell silent. Its inhabitants scurried from the predator hunting us. We searched for the source of the menacing sound, but only the rustling leaves answered our call.

As we combed the lot for clues, menacing growls erupted from the surrounding trees again, sending shivers down my spine. These were not the sounds of ordinary wildlife; they were otherworldly, resonating with a malevolence that was impossible to ignore. My heart raced, and I felt a chill in the air that went beyond the cold of wet clothing.

Daryn instinctively stepped in front of me. I sensed the tension in his strong, athletic form, and his hand gripped the hilt of his Sica blade, ready for whatever might emerge from the shadows. The blade glinted in the filtered sunlight, a glimmer of steel that promised both protection and danger in equal measure.

There was no doubt in my mind that we were dealing with a demon or a hybrid. The growls grew louder, reverberatingthrough the darkness, making my skin prickle with unease. My suspicions were confirmed when it stepped from the foliage.
