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Chapter 16


I hug Jen before joining her at the table. “I’m so glad you called. It seems like it’s been ages since we got a chance to do dinner.”

“That’s because it has been ages,” Jen replies. “I finally convinced Sawyer to get involved in school activities and she picked track, and we’ve got practices and meets all over the place. I only get dinner because they have a big run tonight.” She looks around for the waitress. “I need wine. Can we get wine?”

“Can’t Colt help you out? His season is over, right? He should have time.” I pass her the drink menu.

Jen’s ex, Sawyer’s dad, plays football for the Denver Stallions. With their season over, he should have more time to help with parenting, although historically he hasn’t been very good at that. He’s a bit of a free spirit, so while he’s a nice guy, responsibility isn’t really his forte, even when it comes to his daughter.

“Sawyer’s dad decided to take his latest girlfriend to Paris for a month, missing spring break, so once again it’s just me.”

“Poor Sawyer,” I empathize. “I know how much she looks forward to their spring break trips.”

“I know it’s his off-season and this is his best time to travel, but he’s practically non-existent from June to December, longer if they make the playoffs, which only leaves a few months of the year for him to be a parent. Spring break is the one week they have together uninterrupted, and he’s giving that up for the flavor of the month. And Paris?” Jen rolls her eyes. “Who goes to Paris in March when it’s gray and rainy? Idiot probably got involved with another student and has to work around her spring break schedule.”

The waitress appears and takes our drink orders, and we stop talking about Sawyer’s dad until she leaves, because even though Colt annoys the heck out of Jen, he isn’t all bad, and Jen’s too good to slander him around town, especially because as a local celebrity his name is well known.

“Why don’t the two of you take a trip?” I suggest. “You just got some money from your aunt, right? You could use that.”

“I put it into that house I told you about. And Engage. I don’t really have any investments, and I need to start putting money away.”

“Is a house really the best way to do that?” I ask as the waitress delivers our drinks. “I mean, you’ve never remodeled a house before.”

“I did my house by myself,” Jen points out as she sips her wine. “Oh, that’s good.”

“True,” I agree. “And your house is adorable. But that took years of work, and I’m guessing you won’t make a profit if you take years to do this one. Plus, your house was already in decent shape. You didn’t have to tear down walls or redo any plumbing or anything.”

“Well, obviously I’ll have to hire someone to get it done faster, but this house is in decent shape, too, so it’s not like I have to gut the thing. And I’ll have the summer to work on it all the time.”

“Did you already take possession?” I browse the menu.

“No. The owners are building a new house and it’s not ready yet, so they wanted a delayed closing. Instead of thirty days, we’re closing in ninety, which means I don’t take possession until mid-May.”

“That timing does seem perfect.”

“That’s what I thought, too.” Jen beams. “Like it was meant to be! I’m overdue for something meant to be in my life, don’t you think?”

“I do.” I smile. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks. Speaking of meant to be.” Jen leans forward conspiratorially. “What’s up with you and the brother?”

“What?” I choke on my wine.

“Don’t play innocent. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“How did you know?”

“I told you, I could tell he was interested at the launch party.” Her voice drops to a whisper. “And I can tell you’ve had some hot romance novel sex since the last time I saw you.”

My jaw drops. “Wha…how?”

“You turned beet red as soon as I asked about him.” Jen laughs. “Now spill. What’s going on?”

We pause while the waitress takes our orders, then I give in to the urge to share what’s possibly the biggest news since I moved to Denver. “Well, you were right, obviously.” I giggle. “But it’s actually kind of complicated. Charlie didn’t want him to get involved with me, something about not wanting any awkward fallout if things didn’t work and I was still at Engage.”

“Why would there be fallout?” Jen interrupts.
