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I did, unfortunately.

With a sigh, I uncurled from my tight little ball on the love seat and leaned forward to place my empty glass on the coffee table. “I don’t know why we’re talking about this. The guy—”

“Trent,” she interrupted with a wry grin.

I shot her a glare. “He probably isn’t interested, so this whole conversation is totally pointless.”

“Did you miss the part where I told you you were smokin’ hot, or did you just choose to ignore it?”


She held up her had to silence me. “That was a rhetorical question. Obviously you just ignored me. Anyway, all I’m saying is that if you just put yourself out there, there’s not a man alive that wouldn’t trip over his own two feet for a shot with you. Clearly, Renee’s dad is the dumbest boy in school for letting you get away. So don’t let that asshole be the last guy you get naked with. You’re in your prime, babe. Have some fun. Live a little, for crying out loud!”

A lot of what Luna had to say went in one ear and out the other because pretty much all of my friend’s advice tended to hover on the very edge of ridiculous. But I’d have been lying if I said she didn’t have a point with this.

Graham was the last man I’d had sex with. Hell, he was theonlyman if I wanted to be technical. I wasn’t sure I could count the couple careless teenaged tumbles in back seats I’d had back in high school. Those guys were so clueless about what they were doing I’d never even gotten off during the five seconds they’d lasted.

If I was being honest with myself, I secretly hated that Graham held the title of the only man to give me an orgasm. And those few only camebeforeI realized the monster he truly was. It might be nice to be touched by another man—especially one who didn’t make my skin crawl every time I looked at him.

“I can practically see the wheels turning behind your eyes. You’re considering it, aren’t you?”

“No! Well, maybe. I don’t know.” I pushed out a weary sigh and reached up to rub my eyes. “What happened toyouwanting to take a tumble with the new guy, huh? You were practically floating around town just at the thought of it a few days ago.”

She shrugged casually. “Hey, what kind of BFF would I be if I stood in the way of my sister from another mister getting her freak on? But if I graciously step aside, like the incredibly magnanimous person I am, and you don’t take your shot with Mr. Dimples, I’ll never speak to you again.”

“I am way too sober for this conversation,” I lamented.

She shot up from her chair, bending at the waist to snatch up my glass. “Don’t, worry, girl. I got you.”

With that, she skipped back into the house and started preparing round two.

Chapter Five


My bed rattled and shook,making the drumline in my head beat against my skull even harder.

Damn Luna Copeland. Damn her straight to hell.

After a few years and countless Margarita Mondays with that evil woman, I’d learned a long time ago that I had to pace myself. Two margaritas were my limit, but she’d gotten one over on me by making the second one strong enough to choke a freaking horse.

Despite my efforts at self-preservation, I’d still ended the night more than a little buzzed, which, given my embarrassingly low tolerance, meant I was going to be in hangover hell this morning.

It was my own damn fault for drinking it even though there was so much tequila in the damn thing, I’d have ignited if I went near an open flame.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Renee jumped on my bed, bouncing as high as she possibly could while her shrill voice grated on my ears like nails against a chalkboard. “Wake up!”

After a pitiful groan into my pillow, I forced myself onto my back and pushed to sitting. “I’m up, doodle bug. I’m up.”

“Lu-Lu’s on da couch,” she said as she belly-flopped into the comforter.

I reached out and scooped her up, pulling her into my lap and swiping her silky hair out of her face. “I know, honey. Luna stayed the night last night.”

“She makes a loud noise in hew sleep. Like a dump twuck.”

I smiled, my girl’s constant joyfulness working wonders to soothe my pounding head. “Yeah? Why don’t you go wake her up while I hop in the shower? She loves it when you flop on her belly.”

Renee’s eyes went round with excitement. “Okay!”
