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Baxter’s head lifted off my lap to check out all the commotion. As soon as Baxter saw Zack, his tail began to wag—Baxter’s tail, that was. He jumped down and ran across the room. Zack leaned over, scratched the dog’s back, and then picked him up.

Sadly, I could understand Baxter’s enthusiasm. Who wouldn’t like a good back scratch from the sexy cop?

I cleared my throat. “I’ll call you back.” I could still hear Dee talking when I hung up.

“Detective,” I said, not happy with my breathy tone. I cleared my throat. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Thought I’d check on Lillian before I headed into the station and wondered if you’d like to go with me and, maybe, grab some lunch while we’re out.”

“I would. Hold on. Robin.”

“Right here,” my assistant answered from the doorway.

“I’m going to the hospital with Detective Noles. Can you keep an eye on Baxter?”

“Sure. Come on, big guy. It’s you and me for lunch.” She fluttered her fingers at Zack.

“Oh,” he said. “You mean the dog.” He grinned as he passed Baxter over. “When you said big guy, well…”

Robin chuckled and took Baxter. “You two have a nice visit.”

“Feel free to use my office since all of Baxter’s things are in here.”

“I planned ahead,” Robin said. “Don’t worry about us. Isn’t that right, Baxter?” She finished her question with her nose nuzzled into Baxter’s soft hair.

“Call me if you need me,” I said.

As we walked toward the elevator, my stomach quivered with nerves. First because I was afraid he would bring up that night we’d had, and I had no explanation for my actions. Well, I had an explanation. I just didn’t want to tell him. And second, I was walking with Zack Noles. Just being in his presence again set off ridiculous waves of lust.

I might be risking my heart being around him again.

“Nice offices,” Zack said.

“Thanks. My staff works hard, and I want them comfortable in their jobs.” The elevator doors opened, and we stepped in. “Plus, I like to retain staff. I figured out a long time ago that it’s costly to the business side to have lots of staff turnover.”

He nodded. “If only the DPD thought the same way,” he said with a grin that did all kinds of things to my belly.

On the first floor, he directed me to a sedan that did everything but scream “Cop car.”

I lifted a brow. “You’re parked in the fire lane.”

His grin grew wider. “One of the perks of my job.” He opened the passenger door. “I didn’t figure I would be gone long.”

I slipped onto the seat, and he closed the door. I noticed the official On Duty placard on the dash. When he got behind the steering wheel, I pointed to the placard. “That’s handy. Can I get one, too?”

“Absolutely. Finish the police academy, put your time in on the streets, pass the detective exam, and get a promotion. Then, it’s all yours.”

I chuckled. “Thanks, but I’ll just pay for parking.”

When we got to the hospital, he pulled into a spot in front of the hospital and parked. He flipped the police placard on the dash.

I rolled my eyes. “Man, I have got to figure out how to snag one of those.”

“I’ll be keeping a close eye on mine.”

I laughed.

We were directed to the second floor by the lobby receptionist. Lillian’s room was near the nurses’ station, a prime location should anything go wrong.

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