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My heart was so full of love and joy that I couldn’t suppress my smile. Years of separation and a lot of growing up and maturing had to happen to both of us before fate brought us back together. But I knew in my soul we would have a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of us.


Three Months Later

“Damn, woman. Are you trying to screw me to death?” Zack said with a huff. “We do have the rest of our lives to do this.”

I laughed and rested my head on his naked chest. “Well, I wasn’t trying to kill you, but we do have all those years to make up for.”

He chuckled, my head bouncing on his body with his laughter. “I don’t think we have to do all those missed sex opportunities in the first year. Hey, I meant to tell you something.” He stroked my hair, running his palm over my head and down my back.

“Oh, yeah, what?”

“I got an offer on my house.”

I sat upright. “On the Skaggs house?”

“That’s right.”

“I didn’t know you even had it on the market.”

“I don’t. I didn’t. I was contacted by a real estate agent last night with a client wanting to buy the house.”

“But they haven’t even seen it, right? You still have so much to do on the rehab.”

“Princess, since you blasted back into my life, I don’t think I’ve hit one nail or laid one tile at my house. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I slept in my own bed.”

“I know,” I said guiltily. I snuggled down in the sheets next to him. “I’m so selfish. It’s okay. You can go ahead and say it. I want you all to myself. So there, I’ve said it for you.”

He chuckled again and then leaned down to kiss the top of my head. “I like your selfishness. You haven’t seen me fighting it. Hell, Andi, all I have left in my house are a few pieces of bedroom furniture, my tools, and some renovation supplies. Most of my clothes have already migrated to your closet.”

“You don’t have enough clothes,” I scolded. “You barely take up any space at all here.” I sat up with a smile. “I know. Let’s go shopping for you.”

He groaned. “Let’s not.”

“You kill all my fun,” I groused and cuddled closer.

“All your fun?” he asked in a dry tone.

“Well, maybe not all of it.” I traced a finger around one flat nipple.

“So, back to the offer. Do you think I should consider it? I know you’re working hard to rebuild this community into a family-centric neighborhood.”

“What do you know about the buyers?”

“Engaged couple. Love the area. It seems like they’re dedicated to restoring my house to its former glory. No kids. The agent mentioned maybe a dog, but definitely no children right now.”

“Young couple?”

“About our age, I’d guess.”

“Ohhh, it would be nice to have neighbors close to our age, don’t you think?” I sat up again. “Wait. You’re not thinking of moving somewhere else, are you?”

“You mean, sell my house and buy one in another neighborhood?”

I frowned. “That doesn’t work for me at all. Here’s what I think…”

He raised his eyebrows, a sight grin curving his mouth. “What’s that?”
