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"Stay out of it!" Her voice was a whiplash, each syllable a fresh blow.

"Tresa!" I called out, my voice ragged with desperation.

"You've taken Dax. You won."

"Are you really going to throw away our friendship over a stupid kiss?"

Her voice, when it came, was cold and final. "I hope you're satisfied, Skye. Now I need you to get the hell out of my house."

The words crashed over me, each syllable a heavy stone in my chest. Tresa, my friend, the girl who knew my secrets and shared her dreams, was chasing me away over a phantom, a misunderstanding amplified by her own insecurities.

The possessiveness I'd once seen as quirks was now a weapon wielded against me, a monster born from the ashes of our fractured bond.

And as I stood there, alone in the wreckage of our friendship, I couldn't help but wonder: was this truly the end?

The irony of it all stung like a fresh wound. Admittedly, the thought of finding a new place had crossed my mind, a seed planted by the constant tension that simmered between us. But now, faced with Tresa's brutal eviction notice, the reality of it slammed into me like a rogue wave. My heart, already battered by her accusations, ached at the naked hostility in her eyes.

It was a disorienting whiplash, witnessing such animosity bloom from the soil of a friendship I'd once cherished. Like a wilting flower deprived of sun, our bond lay parched, choked by the weeds of misunderstanding and resentment.

Just then, as if summoned by the sheer force of her anger, the two girls from earlier materialized behind the door, their eyes glinting with a malicious curiosity. And to complete the tableau of chaos, Dax sauntered in, oblivious to the storm brewing around him. His hand landed on my shoulder, a misguided attempt at comfort that only sent chills down my spine. The last thing I needed was his presence, a flammable ember in this tinderbox of emotions.

But Tresa, her eyes ablaze with a possessive fire, saw only confirmation of her suspicions. I barely had time to register the absence of her slippers before she was upon me, a hurricane of fury clad in pajamas.

"Screw you!" I spat at Dax, the venom directed towards him, but aimed at the injustice of it all.

My focus, however, remained on Tresa, her bare feet slapping against the cold floor, the rhythm of her anger echoing in the silence I desperately craved.

In that charged moment, the line between friend and foe blurred beyond recognition. The girl I'd once held secrets with, the one who'd seen me at my rawest, was now a stranger, her eyes filled with a hatred I couldn't understand.

Ignoring the presence of Dax behind me, I shrugged off his hands that were hanging on my shoulders. With determination, I made my way towards Tresa, who seemed to be filled with anger and jealousy. Perhaps she had misunderstood Dax's actions towards me; it was clear that he only made things worse for me. As I approached her, I noticed that Tresa was barefoot and appeared to be somewhat inebriated. All I wanted was to apologize to her and hope that she could find it in her heart to forgive me. That was my earnest desire, at least.

"Tresa, I..." My words died on my tongue, choked by the sudden, searing pain that blossomed on my cheek. Tresa's hand, once a familiar comfort, had become a weapon, leaving a crimson imprint of betrayal and fury. It was a slap that reverberated not just through my skin but through the very core of our friendship, shattering the fragile truce we'd barely begun to build.

Disbelief, sharp as a shard of glass, cut through me. My best friend, the girl who'd shared secrets and laughter, had just assaulted me. Was this the twisted logic of intoxication? Or was this the cold, calculated act of a stranger wearing Tresa's face?

The questions buzzed in the air, a swarm of angry bees stinging my already wounded soul.

How could a phantom kiss, a figment conjured by her own insecurities, have such a devastating impact on years of shared history? Was there something else, a deeper truth hidden in the shadows of her anger, that I was blind to?

But the fear of discovering that truth coiled in my gut, a venomous serpent I couldn't bear to face. The avalanche of confusion and hurt threatened to bury me whole, and I was adrift in its icy grip, with no compass to guide me through the wreckage of our bond.

Tresa, her face contorted with a fury I'd never witnessed, stood before me, a stranger wielding the remnants of our friendship like a broken blade. And I, lost and wounded, could only stare back, a silent question hanging heavy in the air: was this truly the end, or was there still a flicker of hope, a spark of understanding buried beneath the ashes of her rage?

The scene hung in the balance, a tense tableau of fractured trust and unspoken accusations. The slap, a cruel punctuation mark, had rewritten the narrative of our friendship, leaving behind a question mark as the only answer. And as I stood there, battered and bewildered, the silence roared around me, a deafening echo of the void that now threatened to consume us both.

The air crackled with unspoken accusations, our emotions a tangled mess on display. I saw the hurt flare in Tresa's eyes as they landed on Dax, a flicker that mirrored my own. This wasn't the reunion I'd envisioned, not the reconciliation I'd desperately craved.

My thoughts were a storm, unspoken words biting at my tongue.

Selfish, I seethed, her anger a searing blow aimed straight at my heart.

One mistake, one clumsy stumble in the dark, and the blame landed solely on my shoulders. Where was her accountability for Dax? The boy who'd haunted my high school years with his cruel whispers and barbed insults, now playing the innocent bystander.

Her arrogance, that familiar edge to her temper, felt like a knife twisting in my gut. Was Dax right? Had she never truly had my back, only waiting for the perfect moment to strike? My loyalty, a constant ember burning for her, had always been met with indifference, a one-way street. Now, with the flames licking at my heels, her betrayal was a cold slap in the face.

Should I retaliate, mirror her violence with my own? The thought tasted like ash in my mouth, a bitter echo of the despair that threatened to drown me. My emotions, a maelstrom of confusion and hurt, wouldn't be quelled by a petty fight. I craved connection, not another chasm in the fragile landscape of our friendship.

The words wouldn't form, choked by the lump in my throat. Retaliation, the easy path, felt like a betrayal of the whispers shared under starlight, the laughter echoing in forgotten hallways. To lose her now, to be left adrift in the desolate ocean of loneliness, was a fate I couldn't bear. Tresa, with all her flaws and contradictions, was the anchor I clung to, the last vestige of my shattered world.
