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"Why? Isn't my plan brilliant?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my words.

Kenneth shook his head, a mixture of exasperation and disbelief etched on his face. "First of all, it's not brilliant. Secondly, it's terrible, and it's not going to work."

"How can it possibly fail?" I asked, a hint of incredulity lacing my voice.

Kenneth sighed, shaking his head gently. "Because you're not exactly the best at crafting intricate plans, Skye. Besides, Mom's already head over heels for the man she's about to marry."

His words carried a grain of truth. I had never been particularly adept at devising elaborate schemes. That's why I had turned to Kenneth, who excelled where I faltered.

"Head over heels?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his saccharine portrayal of our mother's emotions. "I wouldn't be so quick to believe it, Kenneth. Mom is only marrying him for his last name!"

Kenneth's eyes widened in surprise, a spark of indignation flickering in their depths. "Mom would never do that!" he exclaimed, his skepticism palpable.

I met his gaze defiantly. "Well, it seems you're not as astute about your own mother as you think. She's not after his heart, but his money!"

Kenneth's lips tightened into a thin line, his loyalty to our mother unwavering. "I know you're trying to persuade me with your harebrained plan, Skye, but it's not going to work."

There was an undercurrent of frustration in his voice, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Kenneth was willing to do anything for Mom, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way. Yet, he could also be naively dismissive of my opinions, treating me like a little girl who lacked experience.

My stomach lurched. There was one more bullet in my chamber, one desperate last shot to throw Kenneth off course. "Forget the whole love-me-less crap, Kenny," I blurted, my voice cracking. "If Mom marries this guy, she's rolling in dough. You think she'll still be sending care packages to your broke-ass dorm room?"

He scoffed, unfazed. "Come on, Skye. Words are cheap. Can't you just be happy for her?"

Frustration gnawed at me. He wouldn't bite, wouldn't even flinch. Mom's happiness, his obliviousness – it all felt like a conspiracy against me. I was alone in this sinking ship, and the lifeboats were reserved for the crew I was trying to drown.

But if I torpedoed Mom's wedding, the fallout would be nuclear. No dream college for me, just back to the financial purgatory we'd crawled out of. My basketball-star brother would be back to begging for sneakers, his NBA dreams fading like a bad free throw. Me? A high school dropout, spitting on the sidewalk instead of chasing touchdowns on a manicured field.

The stakes were higher than I'd dared imagine. Wrecking Mom's marriage would be a Pyrrhic victory, leaving me with nothing but ashes and regret. My throat tightened, the taste of bile rising in my mouth.

In the depths of my soul, Dax's words continue to resonate, haunting me with their unsettling truth. I struggle to reconcile myself with the reality he has presented, an outcome that defies my every desire. Yet, my subconscious persists in its relentless questioning, whispering doubts that pierce through my resolve.

If fate were to intervene, altering the course of events, would Dax and I find our way back to each other? Would we defy the odds and live out our happily ever after, a tale worthy of the most romantic novels? Or would I be left with a void, an emptiness that lingers long after the storm has passed?

The thought of revisiting my decision fills me with trepidation, a reluctance that stems from a deep-seated fear of heartbreak. But I cannot ignore the nagging unease that whispers of potential regret. Oh, fate, what cruel hand will you play in this intricate dance of love and destiny?

With my heart ensnared in this whirlwind of emotions, I am left questioning my every choice, my every step. The path ahead seems shrouded in uncertainty, a labyrinth of possibilities that both allure and terrify. How can I navigate this treacherous terrain, where every twist and turn holds the potential for either joy or despair?

This internal struggle, this relentless battle between hope and fear, threatens to consume me. I long for clarity, a sign that will point me towards the right path, the path that leads to my true destiny.

But for now, I am left adrift, a ship lost in a sea of doubt, yearning for the day when the fog lifts and the horizon reveals its secrets.

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