Page 16 of Fire Wolf

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“Please stop. I have to do something, and it requires a modicum of propriety,” I said, tossing a pillow at her still-shaking ass.

“Oh, you mean operation let Phil down? Yeah. Bummer.”

“Yes. So, please, hush.”

“Fine. But put it on speaker.”

A few minutes later, I was holding my head in my hand as I explained to Phil why our relationship sucked and how I was having his car towed back to him. Nova was on the floor, hiding her giggles behind her hands. I kicked at her, but she couldn’t shut up, and I couldn’t blame her. The man was crying. Like sobbing. And why? We didn’t even like each other that much.

“Phil, I have to say I am surprised by your emotional display,” I said.

“But pookie,”Phil began, and I cringed at the pet name he’d insisted on calling me.“I thought we were really going places. Now that I made partner, I was even considering ring shopping.”

“Oh,” I said, completely shocked. “Well, I’m glad we settled this sooner rather than later. Goodbye Phil. Also, um, I am resigning and leaving town. The other partners already have my resignation letter, I guess I just didn’t feel like it was real until now,” I said, watching as Nova’s eyes went huge as she stared at me.

“That is surprising news. Fine. I guess you aren’t who I thought you were, Martina. Good luck to you.”

“Bye, Phil.”

I hung up the phone and met Nova’s stare. My chest was heaving, and thunder roared in my ears. This had been weighing on me for a while now. Even knowing I was leaving the firm, I hadn’t really pictured what was coming next. Except now the cat was out of the bag. Shit. Sybil would be fine with it. She was a big softie. And I already knew Nova was more than a little concerned. What would Davi say? And Erryn?

Would they be disappointed in me? I knew they loved to talk about what successes the three of us turned out to be, but what would they think of me now that I was essentially a quitter?

“So, you’re coming home for good, then?” Nova asked, and her brilliant blue gaze pinned me to the spot.

“I mean, I want to. For however long I have,” I whispered, and that’s when the first tear fell.

Nova wrapped me up in a familiar hug, and I cried in her arms. Spilling my deepest fears of what was wrong with me to her was the only thing I could do.

“How long since you shifted?” she asked.

“I haven’t changed into my Wolf since the last time I was here,” I confessed.

“Marti! That was two years ago! How? Why? Is that even possible?” she asked, and I knew it was bad.

“I’ve been working, and it’s been so hard. I’m surrounded by humans day in and out. I thought it was what I wanted, but I-I just want to come home.”

The front door closed with a click, and I saw Davi and Err standing in the doorway. Twin expressions of worry and tear-stained cheeks met my stare, and I ran to them, seeking the sort of acceptance and comfort I’d come to expect.

“We got you, little Wolf. it will be okay,” Davian whispered, tightening his arms around me.

After I cleaned up the emotional vomit I had spewed all over everyone, I explained the situation as I knew it. I’d been denying my Wolf my body for two years—a feat that should never have been possible. With that, I’d also been stifling my magic. After all, what use was a Fire Witch in the middle of New York City? I’d told my siblings that I’d found a local Coven to chill with and let loose, but that wasn’t exactly one hundred percent the truth.

“Martina Harbor, you promised you had people who were working with you,” Erryn snarled, and I exhaled slowly.

“I know I did, and I was hanging out with a group of Witches for a little while, but that just isn’t my thing. I don’t I can’t?—”

“Trust is hard for us, Davi. You know that,” Sybil injected, having come home in the middle of my spiel.

“I know, but we’re family. You should have told us,” he insisted, and he wasn’t wrong.

I felt ashamed. Like I’d let them down, and maybe I did. Nova was standing over me, collecting some blood samples to run in her lab. She didn’t bother giving me a bandage, and I was pretty sure she tried to hurt me on purpose. I deserved it, though. I had them all worried, and it sucked.

“Alright, I will have this back in about six hours,” she said.

“Um, shower first. Don’t you think you should?” Sybil asked, and I snorted.

Nova looked between the two of us in our matching towels, face masks, and other beauty paraphernalia and heaved a sigh of disgust.
