Page 17 of Fire Wolf

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“Fine. Me first,” she snarled.

Nova shoved me aside when I went to make a dash for it. I stomped my feet and howled loudly. The brat.

“Dammit, Nova, my date!”

“Date?” Davian asked.

I sat back down at our crowded, but well-loved kitchen table and explained about Mitch and my date. Davian looked grim, and Erryn was rubbing his shoulder. Her white streaked black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she listened attentively while I spoke.

“Well? Do you think it’s okay?” I asked, biting my lip.

“For you to date? Yes, I think it is fine. In fact, I think it is great,” Erryn replied.

“Look, Martina,” Davian began, and I knew I had upset him.

That was something I hated doing, but couldn’t seem to help ever since I was a child. I looked up at the man who was more like a father than he was a brother and waited for him to finish his thought process.

“I don’t know what you were thinking denying your Wolf and your magic, and we will get to the bottom of all that, but this place is your home. You aren’t dying, Marti. You might be a little sick, but we will figure it out. But most importantly, you are always welcome here. Harbor House is your home. The fact you didn’t know that tells me you really stayed away far too long, little Wolf.”

He opened his arms, and I ran into them, needing that bit of reassurance from him. He was right. Whatever I broke inside myself, I would fix. It might take a little time, but it was possible. I guess I just needed someone else to believe that could happen before I could even start.

“So, who are you going out with?” Sybil asked as I waited for my turn in the shower.

“Mitchell Truman.”

“Mitchie? OMG! Didn’t you crush on his brother Tim as a kid?”

“Shut up! Davi, make her stop,” I snarled, and everyone started laughing.

“Mavi, make mer mop,” she mocked me.

Even me. It was just like when we were kids. She blew a puff of Dragon smoke at me and I chomped my jaws, pretending to bite her. I was not about to trust myself to use magic. Erryn separated us, and Davi sent a splash of water across the kitchen from where he was rinsing dishes to splash us in our faces. We sputtered and fell into a heap of giggles on the floor.

“God, I didn’t realize how much I missed this,” I said, struggling to stop laughing.

It really was good to be home.


The second I saw her wearing that long velvety skirt and tight little sweater I knew I was fucked. Shit. I should have made reservations at a fancy restaurant instead of my usual booth atRoll Over. It was the best sushi place in town. Maybe that would count for something.

“This looks good,” Martina said, and I could hear the truth behind her words.

“Good. I was counting on you being more of a quality over luxury kind of woman. This place has the best sushi,” I murmured.

“I like sushi,” she replied, her dark violet eyes flicking to mine.

I smiled as we scanned the menu. We chatted and laughed, and I was ridiculously pleased when the waitress came over and Martina asked if I wanted to share one of the biggest sushi platters on the menu with her.

“Yeah, that sounds great. Can we have a couple of orders of hibachi rice and noodles, and beef negimaki, also?”

“Ooh, that does sound delicious,” Martina said after the waitress left.

“It sounds like a lot, but I do have an appetite.”

“And I don’t? Actually, this is refreshing. You know, it’s been forever since I went out with someone who was sort of like me,” she whispered.

“Sort of like you,” I repeated.
