Page 33 of Fire Wolf

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The rustle of my shirt was loud in the shed as I took it off, my shoes next. She was watching carefully, looking side to side, and fuck, I loved her. Loved how brave she was. How honest. Oh, she didn’t think she was, but just look at everything she’d done. Spilling her guts, trying to keep me safe. She was the best damn woman I had ever met, and I was so proud I caught her attention. I intended to keep it, too.

This fierce, proud, hardworking female deserved to have someone in her corner. And that someone was me. She needed time yet, and a constant, steady love, and I planned to give that to her. When she was ready, this woman was going to shine. Her sisters had called her Alpha, and I fully believed them. She was a leader. A caregiver. A nurturer with a heart like gold.

“What is this place?” she asked, facing me.

“It’s a safe place. Like Harbor House is for you. This is my shed. It’s a place I can change without fear or worry.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sometimes the animal needs something other than the typical Wolf run with the Pack. Sometimes I need more.”

“I don’t understand, Mitch. Look, we have a lot to talk about?—”

Martina walked right up to me, placing her hand on my chest and fuck, it felt so good to have her touch me. Her luminous eyes were like two velvet pools of purple, and I wanted to sink right into them more than I wanted anything. But first, she needed to know. I had to show her.

“We do, sweetheart, I agree. But first, let me show you my secret, Martina.”

“Okay, Mitch, and I promise, I’ll keep your secret safe,” she whispered, kissing my chest where her hand rested.

She stepped back, a frown on her face, and I moaned at the loss of her touch. The woman was hell on my nerves, but before we got to the kissing part, she needed to see. I stripped off my clothes, smirking when I caught her staring and laughing softly when her cheeks burned pink.

Sexy little Wolf.

Usually, calling my monster Wolf took a minute, but I was more than ready for my sweet mate to meet my other side. My change was fast and rough, and Martina yelped, falling back on her ass. I growled as smoke and ash swirled around my monster’s body.

During normal shifts, my Wolf was like most Werewolves. Big, muscular, strong, and fast. But there were nights when myotherneeded release. When the monster came out to play.

“Mitchell,” Martina whispered as I stalked over to her on four legs.

Her eyes were wide with wonder, and I opened my jaw, chuffing and growling softly. I did not want her to fear me, so I moved slowly with caution. I never allowed anyone in my space except for Timothy, and he wore protective gear to ensure I didn’t hurt him.

“Wh-what are you?”

I allowed her to look her fill and stood frozen when she finally reached out with trembling hands to stroke my flame-covered fur. A few more strokes, and I was done for. I needed to feel her hands on my skin, so I swapped places with the monster, allowing him one small lick across her cheek before I was back in my human body.

Changing was always accompanied with a certain amount of pain and sensitivity afterwards, but I didn’t give a fuck. I needed Martina in my arms, but I had to know how she felt about this.

“I should have told you?—”

“I have so many questions,” she said, talking over me.

Her excitement was contagious, and I thanked the Fates for blessing me with such an incredible woman. We were both on our knees on the compact dirt floor of the shed, and suddenly I felt bad about it.

“Come here, let’s sit and talk,” I said.

I stood up and took her hand, leading her to another area of the magicked shed where I had a futon and blankets for nights when I wore myself out and crashed there instead of in the house. Martina sat down on the edge and I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my waist, figuring it might be easier to talk if my dick wasn’t waving around trying to get her attention.

What could I say? I was only human.


“Okay, first question, what was that?”

“My shift?”

“Very cute, wiseass. I mean what exactly are you, Mitchell?” she asked, and I love that she hadn’t lost any of her sass.

“I’m glad you asked, gorgeous. You see, I’m a Wolf Shifter, just like you. But like you, I have a little something extra in my bloodline. It skips around the family tree, but every now and then one of us Trumans pops up with it.”
