Page 32 of Fire Wolf

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Me. I was crazy enough to want her in my life. Her and any magic or mischief she brought with her. I held out my hand, and she looked at me with her gorgeous violet eyes filling with tears. Was I too late? Did I stay quiet too long?

Then her nose twitched, and she moved, ran actually, till she was right in front of me. And did my girl pause for even a second? Fuck no. My badass mate jumped right for me, knowing I’d catch her, and yeah, I fucking did. I would always catch her. Slamming my lips to hers, I kissed her, desperate to devour as much of her cinnamon apple flavor as I could with that one meeting of mouths.

I didn’t care about our audience or the fact her family was losing their minds, cheering, and whistling at us. They were great, but all that extra needed to wait. All I cared about was how right it felt to have her in my arms. And I had important business to tend to.

Now. Right now.

“Come with me,” I growled, carrying her outside to my truck.

“Wait,” she said, but I was not about to let her go for anything.

“No,” I grunted, stomping through the icy slush that had fallen after my arrival.

But my monster was riled, and I was feeling like the motherfucking post office. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, hail, or a motherfucking supernatural disaster was going to blow us off course this time. My sexy little Fire Wolf had run out on me twice now, and now that I knew her little secret, I was jumping up and down inside.

A Wolf and a Fire Witch? Holy fucking shit. No wonder she drove me wild. Sexy little badass. Woman of my heart. God, I fucking loved her.

“Mitch? Mitch? Where are we going?” Martina asked, her violet eyes wide as I sped down the back roads to my place.

“I got something to show you,” I growled, my voice deeper than usual.

My beast was riding me hard. The monster inside me had gone completely fucking ballistic when Martina took off like that. I hoped it was the last time, but you never could tell.

Eventually, I found her at her house, and when I knew she was safe, I went back for my truck. My plan was to kidnap her ass and keep her coming on my dick till she was too damn exhausted to run away. I know, I know, kidnapping isn’t okay, but I was desperate at the time and not thinking very clearly. Anyway, I didn’t do it.

After hearing her confess to her sisters what she thought was an impediment to our mating, I wanted to jump for joy. Then she said she loved me, and my heart fucking exploded. I loved this woman so damn much. She had no idea. But I was going to show her. If it took the rest of my life, I was going to show Martina Harbor exactly what she meant to me.

I pulled into the gravel driveway of the single-family home I bought a few years ago and renovated. It wasn’t a bad house, pretty nice actually. But I would sell it in a fucking heartbeat and move wherever the hell she wanted if it meant I got to live with Martina. Besides, it wasn’t the house I wanted to show her.

“This your place?”

“Yes,” I growled, jumping out of my seat and running for her door before she had time to open it herself.

“Thanks,” she whispered, ducking her head.

Sweet, sexy woman was acting shy and nervous, and that made me one protective motherfucker. Because I couldn’t help myself, I backed her against the truck and lifted her till she was eye level, then I kissed her again. Deeply, slowly, and thoroughly, I kissed her until both of us were breathing like we’d just climbed a fucking mountain. That’s what it felt like to me. But I would do more than that to win this woman. I would do anything.

“You have a nice house,” she said.

I relished the feeling of her pressed against me. Every soft curve seemed to mold to my body as I let her slide down until her feet hit the ground. She smelled delicious. Spicy cinnamon apples mixed in with my smokier musk, and fuck, I loved the heady combination.

“Thank you.”

“Um, where are we going?” she asked when I grabbed her hand and practically dragged her behind the house.


Fuck. I was speaking in one-word answers. The woman had me so damn crazy I couldn’t think long enough to form a complete sentence. My dick thumped inside my jeans, and I growled.

“What’s in the shed? Mitch? Oh, my?—”

She gasped and stared in wide-eyed wonder as I revealed my secret place to her. Martina was not the only one keeping things under wraps. I had one whopper of a secret myself. And it was time I showed her.

“Mitch, look, I am happy you came back for me, but I have to tell you. I’m messed up. You don't understand why I left, but I was scared I’d hurt you. I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I thought I was sick, maybe dying. I know it was silly, but my Wolf and Witch powers were gone, and I really felt like I was lost, but then you came into my life and both of them are back, and raring to go. I’m torn between being happy and scared. I could hurt you?—”

It hurt me to see her so upset. She was trying so hard to tell me everything, but she needed to hear my truth first. I needed her to listen.

“I promise, baby, it will be okay. Just watch.”

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