Page 1 of Can't Fake Twins

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Chapter 1


Two Years Ago

Irubbed my hands up and down my thighs, pulling at the hem of my skirt as my boyfriend, Toby, looked over at me with a hint of irritation in his blue eyes.

“Don’t be so nervous,” he said. “It’s just my family.”

“Your family is important to you,” I defended myself. “So, that means they’re also important to me. I want to make a good impression.”

Toby smiled. “Don’t worry, they’ll love you,” he said gently.

I smiled back. Toby had been in a bit of a mood in the days leading up to the Christmas party, and I knew why. His brother was, by Toby’s account, a total jerk.

“Is your brother going to be there?” I asked softly.

Toby sighed. “Yeah, him and his hellion kid. Don’t worry about making a good impression to him.”

“You guys don’t really like each other much, do you?” I asked curiously. He didn’t talk much about his brother, other than a few disparaging comments. I didn’t even know his brother’s name. In fact, he rarely talked about his family at all. I could understand since his parents died in an awful accident a few years ago.

“He’s my brother,” he grunted, and that was all he would say about the matter.

I let it go. I didn’t want to irritate him more than he already was. Toby and I had only been dating for three months; I liked him a lot and I wanted it to go further.

I was excited to meet his family and to get closer to him, I just hoped everything went well.

When we arrived, Toby put his hand on the small of my back, proudly introducing me to his uncles and aunt. All their kids were there, too, and some of the older ones introduced themselves.

I smiled at the kids running around. I loved being around children, and my job reflected that as an elementary school teacher.

Toby ignored the kids. I was sure he’d make a great father someday, but he didn’t seem that interested in playing with his little cousins. I thought maybe he was just nervous about seeing his brother.

Toby disappeared into another room and when I peeked inside, he was playing poker and drinking scotch with his uncles. I chuckled. I guess I wasn’t invited.

I wasn’t much for poker or scotch, so I didn’t mind. But I didn’t particularly like being left alone with people I didn’t know. I sighed, heading to the kitchen to try to find something to drink, preferably something with a little alcohol.

“You can’t hit your cousins,” a man said sternly in the kitchen as I walked in. His back was to me, and he had broad shoulders, his back muscles showing through the thin t-shirt he was wearing.

A little boy sat on the counter, pouting. He was blond with bright blue eyes, and I assumed the man was his father because his hair was also blond.

When I cleared my throat, the man turned to me, and I blinked once, twice.

His dirty blond hair fell over one bright blue eye, the same color eyes as the kid he was scolding. His jaw was strong and square, a light dusting of blond stubble covering it. He was so handsome that I was taken aback.

Katie,I told myself.Your boyfriend is in the next room, and you’re thinking how hot one of his relatives is?

The man smiled, revealing a row of even, white teeth. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “My kiddo sometimes doesn’t play well with others.”

I looked at the little boy who was still pouting but looking at me curiously.

“Hello,” I said to the boy. “What’s your name?”

“Colin,” he answered easily, bouncing slightly on the counter. He looked back at his dad, curiosity seemingly sated. “Can I go play now?”

“Are you going to hit your cousins again?” the man asked.

“Not unless they’re mean,” Colin said, and I saw the man hide a laugh behind his hand.
