Page 2 of Can't Fake Twins

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“No hitting, Colin. I’m serious.”

The young boy sighed. “Okay, Dad. Promise.”

He held out his hand, extending his pinky. His dad did the same and smiled at his son as they shared a pinky swear.

The man put Colin down on the ground and he ran back off into the living room.

“I’m sorry,” he said again, sweeping his hand through his hair to get it out of his face. “He can be a little gremlin when he wants to be.”

I smiled. “No apologies. I know how kids are.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, well, when he’s good, I claim him.”

I laughed, going into the fridge and grabbing a beer to sip on. “How old?”

“He just turned five,” he answered proudly, and gestured to my beer. “Is there another one of those?”

I turned and grabbed one from the fridge, handing it to him.

“Thanks,” he said softly, smiling at me shyly.

Dear God, he was handsome. Even more so standing face-to-face with him. His torso was shredded and his arms bulged in the t-shirt he was wearing. I’d never seen someone that attractive in real life.

Shut up, my brain said.Toby’s better looking.

Of course, he was. He was my boyfriend. I was committed to him. So why did I feel like melting every time this man smiled at me?

“I’m Katie,” I said dumbly, not knowing how to make small talk.

“Adam,” he said, as he reached out his hand. I offered mine and he gripped it gently but firmly. His hand was soft and warm.

“You’re related to Toby?” I asked, and he scoffed.

“You could say that” he said vaguely. I wondered if he could be one of the uncle’s older sons which would make him Toby’s cousin. They had a slight resemblance to one another in their eyes and the sexy shape of their mouths. Maybe that was why I found him so attractive—he looked a little like my boyfriend.

Adam didn’t seem like he wanted me to pry, though, so I didn’t ask him how they were related.

“I don’t think you’re one of my relatives,” he said, looking at me with a smirk. “I’d remember you.”

My face heated up. I knew I was blushing. Was he flirting with me?

“I’m just a friend of the family,” I said hesitantly, and I didn’t know why I didn’t point blank tell him I was Toby’s girlfriend.

Was it because I was so attracted to him? Toby and I, after just three months, had gotten so serious that there wasn’t muchflirting anymore. Maybe that was it. I was just enjoying the attention.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?

“Good to know we’re not related,” he said, sipping his beer, still smiling and looking right into my eyes.

“And why is that?” I asked, my voice low. I felt a little nervous, looking around for Toby to come into the kitchen and find me flirting with one of his relatives.

I wasn’t flirting, though. Was I? We were just talking. Making small talk was what one did at parties, right?

“Because you’re too beautiful,” he murmured, and I felt like my cheeks were going to catch on fire.

“I don’t know about that,” I muttered, leaning my back against the counter.

Adam leaned forward, close enough to me that he could lean down and...
