Page 20 of Can't Fake Twins

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“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he snarled.

Toby started to take off his suit coat. “Oh, I can finish it alright.”

“It’s your wedding day,” Adam said tightly. “And you’re already drunk.”

“I’m not drunk,” I heard Toby say, but I could tell by his voice that he was.

“Just get it together in the next fifteen minutes. You don’t want Rachel to see you like this,” Adam stated, then turned toward where I was standing.

I began to walk toward my seat, not wanting Adam or Toby to know I’d seen the fight. I wondered what they had been arguing about. Surely it wasn’t about me. My cheeks felt hot. Toby didn’t care anymore, and Adam never cared at all. He was just using me as a means to an end.

The guests had started to arrive and take their seats. After several minutes, Adam and Toby finally walked toward the groom’s party and took their places. He was serving as Toby’s best man, although I couldn’t understand why. Toby glared at him as the ceremony started.

I looked away as Toby watched Rachel walk down the aisle. I didn’t want to see the look on his face, how happy he was. It still hurt. I might be over Toby, but I wasn’t over what he and Rachel did to me. I didn’t know if I ever would be.

Seeing them together was like repeating that night I’d walked in on them over and over. I didn’t like thinking about it, and I looked down at my hands for almost the entire wedding.

Rachel glared at me as she and Toby walked together back down the aisle after it was over. I could tell that she didn’t want me there, but at the same time, I was determined to enjoy myself. I was at a beautiful place, and so far, I’d been having a great time with Adam.

After the ceremony, the guests moved back indoors to where cocktails and appetizers were being served before dinner. After about an hour, the DJ announced Toby and Rachel’s arrival. They had been getting pictures taken in various areas around the property. I turned my back when they walked in and sipped my champagne, not joining in with the rest of the clapping and cheering to congratulate them.

After dinner, Colin was blowing bubbles at the happy couple, who both ignored him. I walked over to him and asked, “Would you like to dance?” He set the bubbles on a nearby table and grinned up at me.

He took my hand and tried to twirl me around. I laughed as he did so, finally picking him up so it would be easier for us to dance. Once in my arms, he took my hand again, placed his cheek against mine, and tried to get me to do the tango. I couldn’t stop laughing.

Adam was watching us with something I couldn’t label in his bright blue eyes, and I bit my lip, looking over at him.

He walked out onto the dance floor.

“May I cut in?” Adam asked Colin, and Colin pouted at him, muttering “no.” But he was already falling asleep on my shoulder, so Alice walked over and took him, carrying him upstairs to the bed-and-breakfast.

“You’re quite the dancer, you even know the tango,” Adam murmured in my ear, placing his hands on my hips, swaying me to a slow song.

I leaned toward him, unable to stop myself. I put my hands on his chest, feeling the firmness and strength. I swallowed hard, finding myself more and more attracted to him.

Adam still seemed a little uptight and angry from the fight earlier with Toby, but he was starting to loosen up. “Come on,” I whispered to him. “We have to put on a good show for the happy couple.”

I could feel Toby looking over at us, glaring at us, and Adam grinned.

“Is he watching?” he asked in a low tone, right next to my ear, and it made goosebumps pop up along my bare skin.

“He is,” I admitted, and Adam dipped me low, brushing his lips across my neck.

Something like electricity shot along my spine.

“What are you doing?” I asked breathlessly.

“I’m putting on a good show,” he mumbled, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I parroted the words he said to me when I first arrived. “I’m going to kiss you now,” I said in a low tone, and he grinned again, this time much wider.

I kissed his smiling mouth, at first chastely, but then he dipped his tongue into my mouth, and I moaned, unable to help it. His hands were on my lower back, pulling me closer, and for a long moment, I forgot that we were supposed to be putting on a show.

It just felt like someone was kissing me and it was wonderful. I briefly forgot where we were and that Toby was watching until Adam pulled away. Although I was certain that Toby had a thunderous look on his face, I didn’t even bother to glance in his direction.

“Oh,” I said, marveling at how good the kiss felt.

“Oh, indeed,” Adam mumbled, looking down at me with heat in his blue eyes.
