Page 3 of Can't Fake Twins

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Lean down and what, Katie?

What was I thinking?

I cleared my throat, looking up at him even though I knew I should probably look away. I wasn’t used to that kind of conversation, Toby and I had been isolated in our own love bubble for the past three months. I had barely seen my family since I met him; socializing with anyone other than Toby had become foreign to me.

“Christmas feels like it might’ve come early, getting to chat with a pretty girl like you,” he said in that same low murmur. His voice was a clear, smooth baritone and a shock like electricity went up my spine as he spoke.

“Don’t rush it,” I said with a smile. “I’m sure your son is looking forward to all the presents Santa is going to bring him.” I made a gesture of quotation marks when I said Santa, and Adam groaned, throwing his head back. I could see a cord-like vein in his neck and for some reason, it made my lips hungry to kiss it.

“You’re right. I hope Christmas comes as slow as molasses this year,” he joked.

I looked into the living area to see if Toby had come out of the poker room, but he hadn’t. The kids were running around the Christmas tree, some of them throwing tinsel on it. Others were decorating the tree with ornaments, and I smiled, finding it nostalgic.

“You like kids?” Adam asked me, and I looked back at him.

“Love them,” I admitted. “I teach elementary school.”

Adam raised an eyebrow. “You get better and better all the time.”

I looked away from him, trying fervently not to have an obvious blush. I was pretty sure it was a losing battle.

“Where’s your wife?” I asked, and Adam chuckled low in his throat.

“No wife. It’s kind of a long story.”

I was curious but again, not wanting to pry. I stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say. I didn’t usually find it difficult talking to men, but I’d never met one like him.

Adam reached toward me, and for one hot second I thought he was going to put his hand on my hip, and pull me toward him, but all he did was open the refrigerator door and get another beer.

I let out a long breath.

“Katie?” Toby’s voice rang out and I stiffened.

“Nice to meet you,” I said, and Adam nodded.

“See you around, Katie,” he said softly.

Saved by the bell, I thought, and rushed into the living room where Toby was frowning.

“Where have you been?” he asked under his breath.

“Sorry,” I said, holding up my half-empty beer. “I just wanted a drink.”

Toby gave me a look.Thatlook, the one that told me he was annoyed with me, and my heart sank.

“You know I don’t like it when you drink,” he muttered, and I swallowed hard.

“It’s just one beer, Toby.”

“One beer turns into three and then I’m carrying you home over my shoulder,” he snapped, and I sighed.

We had gone to a club when we first started dating and I’d had a little too much to drink. For whatever reason, it had really annoyed Toby. Ever since, he would make snarky comments any time I drank alcohol. He had never let it go.

“I’m sorry, Toby,” I said softly, and placed the half-empty beer into a nearby trash can.

“They’re about to put the star on the tree,” he said, just as Adam walked past us, holding Colin in his arms.

“Oh, that’s cute,” I commented.
