Page 73 of Can't Fake Twins

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After I fed the girls, we put them down for a nap, Colin surprisingly doing the same. Alice watched them downstairs as Adam and I went upstairs to get in a nap ourselves. How did the saying go? Sleep while the babies sleep?

We were definitely taking advantage of that. We slept for a couple of hours before Alice woke us up for dinner, and Adam and I took turns holding and soothing the girls while we ate. Alice was around, of course, to help, but Adam insisted on spending tons of time with just the girls, Colin and us.

It felt like I had a real family, and all I could hope for was that Adam wanted this forever, not just for a while. I hadn’t talked to him about long-term with all the craziness, but I hoped that he wanted what I did, which was to be together forever.

I felt like I’d been in love with him for so long, and I was ready to be completely committed to him in every way.

After dinner, we put Colin and the girls down, knowing it was only a matter of hours until the girls got hungry. We went out onto the terrace to get some fresh air.

The stars were shining brightly, Adam pointing out a couple of constellations to me. It was beautiful out on the terrace, with a gorgeous view of the grounds. Adam had planted fruit trees and grapevines so that it looked lush and romantic. The bay stood off in the distance, giving us a warm breeze that felt comforting against my skin. It was absolutely lovely, and the ocean air made me feel like I could breathe deeply and freely.

Adam put his arm around me as we stood on the balcony. I leaned against him, sighing happily.

“So you do love me,” I teased him.

Adam hummed. “I guess so,” he muttered.

I laughed, turning my head to look at him. “You guess? That’s not very romantic, you know.”

“I’m not that good at romance,” he said, but I begged to differ. He was far more romantic than his brother had ever been.

“I don’t know. You have your moments,” I told him.

“Is that so?” he murmured, kissing just below my ear. I shivered.

“Hey, none of that. We have to wait at least a couple of months before we get to have sex again,” I joked.

“We’ve got all the time in the world,” he said, and shifted away from me. I frowned, missing the warmth of his arm. Was he going to walk away and ruin the magic of the moment? It couldn’t have been more perfect, just the two of us under the stars in the warm summer evening.

But then he slowly turned towards me, an almost cheeky grin across those kissable lips of his. The doctor didn’t say anything about kissing, right? But before I could grab his shirt and pull him closer, he knelt down on one knee, and looked up at me.

I gasped, knowing it could only mean one thing.

I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t dreamed of that moment like a movie that played out differently every time I ran it across the screen in my imagination.

For me it was the obvious next step. But for Adam, someone who claimed they “didn’t do relationships” only a few months ago, I would have thought this was moving too fast for him.

We were the parents of two beautiful girls, we were living together as a family of five, and he had finally said those three little words that meant so much to me. I just never expected Adam to be ready for marriage.

But it was perfect. Just like he was.

“Katie Martin,” he said, holding out an open ring box with a truly ridiculously large ring in it. It was marquis cut, with little diamonds all around, and it had to be at least two carats. “I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but I just want you to know that you’re the love of my life,” he said simply. “And I want to spend forever with you. Will you marry me, Katie?”

I stared down at him, shocked, my mouth open, and Adam’s brows started to draw together.

“You can say no, if you want...” he muttered, and I nearly knocked him over, hugging him.

“Of course, it’s yes!” I exclaimed, kissing all over his face.

I started to sob and Adam held me, stroking my hair. “You scared me there for a minute,” he said, laughing softly.

“Sorry,” I sniffled. “I was just so shocked. You only admitted you loved me when I almost died, so...”

Adam groaned. “Are you ever going to let that go?”

“Never,” I said, grinning, and Adam scooped me up into a bear hug, being careful and gentle around my healing incision.

“Can I ask you something?” he said once he sat me down, kissing my forehead.
