Page 74 of Can't Fake Twins

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“Sure, anything,” I replied, wiping tears of joy from my eyes and letting him slide the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly, although I would have to get used to how big it was.

“When did you know?” He paused. “That you were in love with me, I mean.”

“A long time ago,” I admitted. “It’s a little embarrassing.”

“Why?” Adam cocked his head. “Now you have to tell me,” he ordered, smirking.

I groaned. “I think I knew back at the Christmas party,” I said under my breath.

“The first time we met?” he asked.

I nodded, blushing a little. I was sure it wasn’t that early for Adam, though, since he’d been so hot and cold for so long.

“I think that’s when I knew, too. I just lied to myself for a long time after.”

I looked up at him, my eyes wide. “Really?”

“Really,” he said, smiling down at me. “I saw you and the world just kind of... stopped,” he admitted.

I threw my arms around his neck, kissing him hungrily until Adam groaned and moved away.

“You can’t do that when you’re injured and we can’t have sex,” he scolded.

I giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.” I pouted at him, swaying closer to him again and pressing my forehead against his. “What’s wrong? You don’t want me?”

“You little tease,” he murmured, moving to nip at my neck, and the sound of his voice low in his chest made me shiver.

“Hey, you stop it, too!” I argued, and Adam laughed, leading me back inside.

Shortly after, I fed the girls and then Adam and I crawled into bed, turning on the baby monitor in the girls’ nursery.

Maybe for the next few months, I’d only get a few hours of sleep at a time, but at least I’d have the man that I loved by my side for all of it.

Chapter 29


The girls were six months old by the time Katie and I were able to get married. We went to Los Angeles, to the beach right next to the restaurant that I had taken her to the first time we had gone there together on the jet. The beach had the whitest sand and the bluest water and was the perfect location.

Katie’s family was there, and my uncles and aunts, too, although I hadn’t invited Toby, of course. I was worried that he might show up anyway, but by the time I stood next to Gray, my best man, and waited for Katie to walk down the aisle, he was nowhere to be found, thank God.

Tiger lilies sat on every pew, Katie’s favorite flower, and Colin and the twins were sitting in the front row, one baby carrier on either side of him. Colin wore a little black suit that complemented his fair complexion, and the twins were both wearing pink tutus and white tops.

The guests were seated, several of them looking around in anticipation. I suddenly missed my mother, painfully so, and wished that she could have been there to see how happy I was.

We stood out on the beach and the breeze was blowing, which I was grateful for because I was sweating in my black suit,running my finger under my collar. The guests all stood as the traditional wedding march started up.

I looked down the aisle, shifting from side to side, waiting impatiently to see my bride. She’d insisted on being traditional and not seeing me for a whole day and night before the wedding, and it had been excruciating.

I’d missed her in my bed, it had felt empty and cold, and I couldn’t believe that just a year ago, I wouldn’t stay over with her after sex. What had I been thinking? I was an idiot for not realizing how I felt about her sooner, and I couldn’t believe she was about to become my wife.

Needless to say, I’d spared no expense for our wedding.

Katie insisted on being barefoot so that she could feel the sand between her toes, but her dress was extravagant and beautiful—an off the shoulder number that had little embroidered flowers all over it. It had cost me thousands of dollars, but it was worth it when my breath caught in my throat as she began walking down the aisle toward me.

She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and tears of joy burned behind my eyes. I blinked them back, not wanting to look like a big baby on my wedding day.

Katie’s arm was looped with her father’s and I nodded to him as they approached. From that point on, all I could do was look into Katie’s brown eyes.
