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He swallows against the emotion, but mine pours freely down my crumpled face. His face goes red in secondhand embarrassment, but to his credit, he doesn’t make a snarky comment. “I heard what Dad said to you that night, and I’m sorry he made it sound like we didn’t appreciate you. Or we didn’t want you anymore. That’s not it. I never meant for it to come out that way. I was trying to get him to step up for once.”

I shake my head, swiping at my face. “I know. And you’re right. I wouldn’t have left if you guys didn’t kick me out,” I tease. “I needed the push. Maybe not quite the way Dad put it, but that’s—” I take a deep, cleansing breath. “I think he was feeling defensive. Because he’s a fucking idiot, but he does love us in his own way, and he was angry at himself for having to be shown the error of his ways by his kids. That’s not your fault. I don’t blame you for his tactlessness.”

Jesse exhales in relief. “Good.”

“Woof.” I make a face. “This is more emotion than we Suttons need for a lifetime.”

“You ain’t kidding. You girls are flooding the place with your wailing.”

“There it is,” I say wryly. “I was waiting for it.”

“So, if you make it to Vegas, can I come?”

“If you make honor roll and have perfect attendance, sure.”

“There it is,” he echoes. “I was waiting for it.”

Ruffling his hair, I steer us out of the room. “Come on. I need to steal that phone out of Garrett’s hands before she spills all my secrets to my boyfriend.”

Later that night, I saddle up Mab and take her for a ride. I’d taken Jesse and Garrett out to dinner at the taco truck to celebrate signing a lease with Camilla and Mr. Michaels for the next year. They offered month to month, but Jesse pushed for the year commitment. “Give yourself a year, sis. It’s gonna be rough for a bit.”

I took his advice. He’s a smart kid when his head’s not up his ass. Garrett seems okay, distracted by the idea of decorating yet another bedroom in her favoriteaestheticand texting up a storm in our family chat (despite Jesse and me being right in front of her), but it will hit harder the first time she reaches for me and I’m in another state or even just across town.

We’ll work it out in time, and maybe one day, we won’t have to feel like every interaction we have between us is weighted with a lifetime of emotional baggage. Garrett is still pretty young. Maybe she’ll grow up the most best-adjusted of all of us. There’s hope for her yet.

I lead Mab through the pastures and out to the other side, pastmycabin, and out into wide-open acreage where we can run. Once we’re clear of the fences, I give her the reins, and she gives me the space I need to breathe. These last weeks have been some of the most intense of my life. Mostly in the best kind of way, but the ride’s been wildly rocky with all the feelings and emotions andtearsinvolved. I’ve been itching to escape. Between the training, the uptick in trail rides, and relationship navigation I’vebeen doing, I haven’t had as much time to take Mab out forourrides. I’m looking forward to making up for lost time now that I’ll be living on-site. I can easily take her out for evening rides and give us both a chance to let our hair down, at least until the weather changes and the sun starts setting earlier.

Mab slows as we come to our favorite collection of trees, and I climb down, looping her rope on a low-lying limb close to the shore of a creek. Mab wastes no time in getting a drink from the steadily flowing water, and I follow her, slipping off my boots and socks and rolling up my jeans to my knees. I sit on the shore, dipping my feet and wincing at the chill. After a moment, the water feels refreshing rather than icy. I’m leaning forward to look for tadpoles when I hear the pounding of hooves behind me. I grin to myself. I knew he’d make it out here eventually.

Case loops Moses’s reins near Mab’s and comes to sit alongside me, removing his own boots and socks and dangling his feet in the current. He lets out a long sigh of relief and leans back on his hands, staring up at the leaves. We sit in companionable silence for a while, listening to the trilling of cicadas and the rushing of water, the way the breeze tosses the leaves around and sends them into rustling whispers.

I drop my head to his shoulder and let my eyes drift shut.

“You know,” he says softly as if speaking aloud would ruin this serene moment. “If you wanted to get naked, you’re already part of the way there—ow!” He cuts off, laughing at my faux outraged attack on this chest. He shrugs, his drawl lazy in the setting sun. “Just sayin’.”

“You’re shameless, Case Michaels.”

“I’m smitten, is all.”

I plant a small, chaste kiss on his full lips. “It’s mutual.”

His mouth chases mine, kissing and nibbling and tasting, before he settles back on his hands again, contentment on his face. It’s a good look for him, this whole inner-peace thing. After finally opening up to his dad and Brody about his fall plans, he’s been feeling more himself. Just in time, too, since he’s leaving for Tech in two weeks.

“You get everything settled with Braids and Jesse?”

I snort. “As if you didn’t already know. I’m gonna have to double-check the rules for that prepaid plan I put on Garrett’s phone. You two are gonna blow through her data in no time.”

Case shrugs. “I can’t help it if we genius types have a lot in common.”

“I’ll remind you she’s ten. I wouldn’t brag about having a lot in common with a fourth grader.”

“You’re jealous because she wasn’t asking you about condensed matter physics.”

“You sayjealous, I sayrelieved. I think I can safely speak for both myself and Jesse when I saythank the Lordsomeone else has entered the literal and metaphorical family chat.”

“Well,” Case says, looking a little pink. “I’m honored to have been invited to the family chat, even if you’re kidding. You know the first time I came to your house and officially met Jesse, all I wanted was to get to know your siblings and be a part of you all. You guys are this solid little threesome, and I’m glad to be allowed in.”

I reach for his face, turning it to mine, and gaze directly in his eyes. “I’m not kidding. I mean, I was teasing about the chat, but I don’t think you realize how much it means to me you get it’s never been just about me. I come as a package deal withthose two. Half the time, I’m sure Garrett likes you more than me. I know Jesse does!”
