Page 18 of Loved Enough

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“My mom said you’ve never taken a day off. Now that I think about it, I’ve never known you to take a vacation, either.”

Shrugging, I replied, “I don’t have anywhere to go.”

Lily’s mouth fell open. “You could go anywhere you want to, Maverick. There isn’t anywhere you’d like to visit or see?”

I thought about it for a few seconds. “I mean, there are places I’d like to go, I guess.”

She smiled and set her bowl back on the tray and crossed her legs. “Tell me.”

Laughing, I set my spoon down. “Um…Glacier National Park.”

“You’ve never been there?”


“Maverick, why not?”

“It’s not much fun going to places like that alone. None of my friends ever wanted to go, so I never went.”

Her teeth dug down into her lower lip.

“Don’t do that, Lily.”

“Do what?” she asked.

“Feel sorry for me.”

She looked away, then back at me. “What about a girlfriend? They never wanted to go?”

“I traveled around too much for a steady girlfriend. Hamilton is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place.”

Her brows shot up. “Really?”

“Really, really,” I replied.

“So”—she chewed on her lip again, then smiled—“no girlfriend ever?”

I gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I dated one girl for a bit when I was in Utah. I was younger, and she was older. She lived on the ranch next to the one where I worked.”

“How much older was she?”

Laughing, I said, “Twenty-two years older.”

“What!” Lily shrieked. “How? You have to tell me!”

“You really want to hear this?”

She nodded her head like a little girl ready for a story.

“Well…Lori was her name, and she was a widow. She was thirty-nine, and I was eighteen. She’d come over to ask Hank, the rancher I worked for, if he had any strong ranch hands who could unload a tractor of hay and put it in her barn. He sent me and two other guys. When we were done, she asked me to stay and help with a few other things, so I did. As the weeks went on, she asked Hank if she could use me for more and more stuff. She started bringing me iced tea, then food, encouraging me to take breaks. Then it became lunch in the house, then dinner. Until one night she told me she wanted me to, um…take her over the table.”

Lily’s eyes went wide. “Oh my God. Is that how she actually said it?”

I could see the wild curiosity in Lily’s eyes. “No, she bluntly asked me to fuck her over the table.”

“Did you?”

I laughed. “I was a horny eighteen-year-old boy attracted to an insanely hot older woman, so yes, I did. Had no idea what she wanted from me, really. I’d had sex before, but it was just with girls my own age. I’d never taken anyone overanything.”
