Page 45 of Loved Enough

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“I see. Then I’d say you’re for sure a Swiftie. And it’s totally fine if you ride back to the ranch with me.”

“It’s settled then,” Dad said, giving me a quick hug. “Be careful driving, Maverick. You’ve got precious cargo.”

“Will do. And again, I’m glad Stella is okay.”

Dad let out a breath, and you could see the relief on his face. “I’m glad she is as well.”

Once Dad walked back toward my mother, I turned to Maverick. “Sure you don’t mind me going with you?”

“I don’t mind at all.”

The ride back to the ranch started in comfortable silence, which I was grateful for. Between the dancing, Grams’s health scare, and how I was feeling about Maverick, it was a relief to settle my thoughts for a few minutes.

Maverick finally broke the silence. “What song are you going to play next for me?”

I’d been wondering if he was going to mention anything about that almost kiss in the parking lot, but it was clear he wasn’t, so I wouldn’t either—for now. But I hadn’t imagined the chemistry between us, or the way he looked at me. He wanted that kiss as much as I did.

“Mmm, let me see.”

Swiping across my list of Taylor songs, I stopped on a favorite. “This one is called‘King of My Heart.’”

We drove in silence again as the song played.

Halfway through, Maverick reached over and turned the volume down. “Do you miss him?”

Turning to look at him, I asked, “Who?”

He glanced at me and raised a single brow in question.

“Ben?” I asked with a small laugh.

“Yes. You two were really good friends. I’m sure it has to be hard to lose someone who’s been in your life for as long as he has.”

Another song started, but I pushed the button and turned off the music altogether. “I thought I would be more upset and miss him a lot more. But if I’m being honest with myself…I haven’t thought about him at all.”


I smiled. “You sound like you don’t believe me.”

“If I’m being honest,” he said, intentionally repeating my words, “No. I don’t believe you.”

It was rather refreshing to have someone just speak from their heart and not in riddles. “I can understand why. But the crush—or whatever it was I had on Ben—was already fading before that day at my house. I think being out of school and the idea of starting my actual adult life was a bit scary, and I wasn’t ready to admit it or grow up. Ben was safe. Comfortable. In the back of my mind, I thought we might end up together, but then I realized it was onlybecausehe was safe and comfortable. I loved him…but not in the way I thought I did. Not in the way Iwantto love someone. Does that make sense?”

“It does.”

My mind went back to the almost kiss only a few hours ago. Then it flashed to seeing Maverick naked when he was sick. I cleared my throat and went on.

“I finally understood I was letting myself settle for someone I wouldn’t really be happy with, and he wouldn’t have been happy with me. I deserve someone who looks at me like…”

What I’d beenaboutto say was that I deserved someone who looked at me the way Maverick had earlier that evening. When I didn’t finish my thought, he spoke.

“You do deserve that, Lily. If it means anything, I think he was simply angry that you were willing to walk away from your friendship, even if it was for the sake of his relationship. I don’t doubt the guy cares about you.”

I shrugged. Turning my body more in my seat to face him, I asked, “Why did you punch him?”

His head snapped to the right. “How did you know I hit him? Nathan?”

I smiled. “I saw it. Nathan had to keep you from hitting himagain. But I know you, Maverick. You wouldn’t have hit him unless he’d said something pretty bad.”
