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Much to his very obvious irritation.

His eyes pretty much blazed, briefly.

Before he shook his head in this oddly weary manner and looked away. “I wasn’t suggesting you do. But good to know how you feel about what we just did.”

“Hang on a minute. I didn’t say how I felt about it.”

“You saidwhole businesslike people sayshitshow.”

“Well, that’s not what I meant. I just… it was…”

Come on, she urged herself. Find your words.

But she couldn’t. She had to just hope he got it.

And thankfully, when he looked back at her, he appeared to have.

He wasn’t annoyed or weary anymore. He was just resigned, it seemed.

“Yeah, I know,” he said. “It’s all right. I know it was a lot.”

So now she was free to lose it just a little bit.

Which she did. Her face blazed so red she had to briefly cover it with one of the pillows she was holding. And she talked into said pillow, too, when she could finally speak. “Ohgod, it was so much. I can’t believe I said those things,” she said, then dropped it just in time to see him looking—thankfully—just as embarrassed as she was.

“I wouldn’t worry. Your things have nothing on my things.”

“Even though I told you about my—”

“Christ, don’t repeat any of it.” His voice went high on the wordChrist. And his eyes went to the ceiling, like he was searching for that very dude to come save him. Because, it seemed, it was as she had suspected—he was just as disturbed by the whole thing as she was, despite his protests to the contrary. A fact that he then confirmed. “And especially if we want to avoid accidentally talking me into doing anything like that ever again. Which judging by your reaction right now, I’m guessing is definitely your preference.”

No, her body yelled.

But her body was being a dipshit.

It was just thinking of how good it had felt.

And not about whether it was advisable to fuck a man who was almost certainly only doing all this because he had a massive kink for horny women. After all, he definitely didn’t seem keen on doing it again, now that the horniness had briefly abated. He seemed as normal as he had on the couch when she’d come out of the bathroom. Which meant that she had to be normal, too.

Completely normal and unmoved by all this.

“One hundred percent it is,” she said.

And he nodded, firmly, in response.

“Right. Good. Same here.”

“So then we’re sorted.”

“Totally we are.”

They stared at each other.

Weirdly, it seemed to her.

And when the staring broke, it wasn’t for a good reason.

“Unless you count the fact that we haven’t settled the sleeping arrangements,” he burst out. Like he’d been holding it in to try to maintain some semblance of normalcy. But couldn’t in the face of the one particular problem they hadn’t yet dealt with. “Which is still not going to be you out there on the fucking floor, no matter how many pillows you pinch. It’s gonna be me, and that’s the end of it.”
