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He stopped, like she’d put a bullet in his gut.

And that furious expression? It melted away, as fast as it had arrived.

Now he was just looking at her, all soft and weird and oh Christ, she had to get them in the car immediately. They were takingpicturesof him looking at her like that. Someone cooed “Aw, look at the lovebirds.” A girl in the background screamed “ItislikePride and Prejudice.”

So she opened the door, somehow, and shoved Alfie in.

Before he could say anything more or do anything else.

Though somehow, he still found time to fuck things up.

Because he grabbed her when he realized what she was doing. He hauled her in after him. So now she was sprawled on top of him in the back seat of the car with the door still open, and a bunch of people snapping away at them.

“Alfie Harding Bonks Fiancée in Front of Reporters” is going to be the headline tomorrow, her brain moaned. But there was nothing she could do. She was too busy trying to clamber off her alleged fiancé without accidentally flashing her arse at any of them. Because yes, the dress she was wearing was longish, but when she’d fallen on top of him it had definitely ridden up.

She could feel air on her bare legs.

Maybe even her bare thighs.

And her bum was really massively in the air.

It was right up there, directly in their faces, and she had no idea how much material was covering things. She had to reach back and check before she could do anything. Only when she tried, Alfie seemed to understand what was going on. He saw her pull at her dress and clocked them snapping away.

And then decided that the best course of action was to shield her from sight.

By putting his hands.

Over the thing.

They were taking pictures of.

At which point, she felt pretty sure she blacked out.

Only without the benefit of unconsciousness. She was stillsomehow fully aware as a small crowd took photographic evidence of Alfie Harding holding her butt in his hands. And couldn’t do a thing about it. She couldn’t breathe, or move, or even tell him to stop.

When she tried, all that came was a sound only dogs could hear.

So she just had to rely on him to get her out of this.

And of course he was doing a terrible job.

He tried to turn her so they couldn’t see her anymore. Or maybe so he could get to the door and shut it. But when he did, he somehow wound up squeezing what he was holding. Then he seemed to realize he was squeezing and panicked. He said “Sorry sorry sorry” and got her around the waist instead.

Though quite honestly, that was just as bad—if not worse.

Because he was strong, he was really strong, and someone being that strong wasn’t something she was really used to. She wasn’t used to someone actually bodily lifting her. So the second he did she kind of panicked, and clung to him. Her arm went around his back and her legs seemed to almost clamp around him, and though she absolutely did not intend any of it she knew exactly what it looked like:

He had decided to flip her over, mid-fuck. And she had apparently appreciated that so much she was now digging her heels into his arse.

Much to evenhisconsternation.

“Mabel,” he gasped out.

As if she had done it on purpose.

As if she wanted any of this to happen.

This is all your fault, she wanted to yell at him. But as he was currently between her legs, she still couldn’t manage much beyond a furious expression. Which he fortunately seemed to understand meantget the fucking door closed now.
