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“Then I’m sorry I’m dragging you into it all.”

“You’re not dragging me into it all. I’m scared right now, not gonna lie. But for me it’s just temporary. Playing dress up. Kind of fun for a couple of months, then I get to set it aside. But you never will. You’re Alfie fucking Harding.”

He had been looking at nothing, but now he looked at her. And for just a second, just a brief moment, his eyes were as vulnerable as they had seemed that day when she’d touched his face. Then it passed, so fast she could almost believe it had never been there at all. There was just him, making it seem like nothing, really. “Well. At least Alfie fucking Harding has some furniture now,” he said with a shrug. And of course, she couldn’t help going with it. It made her too gleeful to do anything else.

“Been enjoying it, have you?”

“Other day I fell asleep in your chair while watching telly.”

“Ah, that’s the stuff. That’s the life right there.”

“Yeah,” he said.“Thanks to you. Talking some sense into me.”

“It’s not that hard. Your number-one quality is sensible.”

It was, she thought. Though maybe not in the way he thought. He immediately searched the heavens for some escape from this condemnation. Spat out the words: “Christ. That sounds so boring.”

But that hadn’t been what she meant.

He needed to know that wasn’t what she meant.

“It isn’t, though.”

“So what is it, then?”

He raised an eyebrow.

Waiting, she thought, for the terrible verdict.

But the only verdict was this:

“Like being constantly comforted, by something I’ve never known.”

Tweets,March 31, 2022



Phew, exhausting day today.


Replying to @mabelwillicker

Lmao total confirmation that he can go all night


Replying to @mabelwillicker

fat slut


Oh look it’s first name bunch of numbers here to bless us with their wisdom

