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“I want to punch this annoying man.”

“Great. Focus on that.”

“Yeah, but I can’t. Because you also said you were turned on.”

Damn, did I, she asked herself. And was dismayed to find she had.

It was fine, though. She knew how to mitigate the damage.

“I said I was a bit turned on. As in a really tiny amount.”

“It doesn’t look like a tiny amount. It looks like a lot.”

She scoffed. “A second ago you couldn’t even tell that it wasn’t disgust.”

“Yeah, because I never in a million years thought I could do anything that would get you going. Partly because you’ve actuallytoldme so, you’ve tweeted as much, but also just because I’m the opposite of everything a woman like youshouldwant. You should want Steve fucking Rogers, charging in like a golden glowing sunbeam to tell you how great everything is gonna be now he’s here. But I’m not that at all, and yet somehow I’ve managed this. I can tell I have because it’s all over you. You’re all flushed and trembly and breathless,” he said while gesturing at her again. Only this gesture was a lot more than a pointing finger. It was his splayed hand, stirring the air over her face and body. And right after those words, too.

Those actually delighted-sounding words.

So it wasn’t a surprise that she sounded breathless when she responded.

“You make it sound like a good thing.”

“Well, it’s not a bad one.”

“Of course it is. It’s humiliating.”

“I don’t see why. Nowt wrong with being horny, love.”

“Yeah, but there is summat wrong with being horny in front of you.”

“Why? We’re both adults. You’ve told me what made it happen. The thing that made it happen isn’t weird or gross. As far asI’m concerned, you can be like this until the fucking cows come home. Be as riled as you want for as long as you want.”

He shrugged and spread his hands. Like he was talking about something ordinary, like getting stuck into an all-you-can-eat buffet. And okay, it kind of did sound pretty straightforward and practical, when he put it that way. Especially when he made that point about them both being adults. But even so, it still didn’t sit right with her. It couldn’t, because now she knew he truly bought what she’d made him believe. He truly thought she wanted something else.

She was safe from him ever thinking she wanted him.

And she didn’t want that unravelling.

Not while the image of the kind of woman he went for danced in her head.

So finally, she said, “I don’t want to be riled. And definitely not for a long amount of time.” And he seemed to get it. Even if he got it while highly amused.

“All right. So what do you need to do to cool off? Take a cold shower?”

“Yeah, I’m not sure that cold showers are really a thing.”

“So maybe we should watch something really unsexy.”

“If we watch something really unsexy my mind will drift.”

“And what exactly is it going to be drifting to?”

“I’m not going to keep saying, Alfie.”

She snapped the words out, fully exasperated now.

Especially since she had almost gathered herself back together again. She’d managed to straighten up—or at least not lean so violently to the left. Plus, her face felt quite a bit cooler. There was really no need for him to keep pressing her buttons about it. Though apparently, he had other ideas about that. His mischievous expression told her so—and to such an extent she braced herself.

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