Page 126 of One Wrong Move

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“Not over the phone?”

“I need to see body language, facial expressions to tell if he’s lying. We’ll probably get a lot more out of him in person.”

“Because you’re intimidating?” She smirked.

He arched a brow. “You think I’m intimidating?”

“Not to me, but you have that presence when on a case.”

“Let’s hope it works on Randy and Todd, because I think one of them holds the answers we need.”



“Andi,” Greyson said, standing. “A pleasure to see you again.”

“Thanks. You too.”

“Andi.” Riley smiled as she rounded the corner into the lobby of the office. “I didn’t know you guys would be in today.”

“We’ve got so much going,” Christian said. “We could use a round table.”

“I’ll make the drinks,” Greyson said.

Ten minutes later, they all congregated around the round table in the conference room. Greyson took his usual seat by the glass panels, his espresso on the ledge beside him, a black dry erase marker in hand. “So catch us up,” he said.

Christian looked at Andi. “Where to begin?”

“Tad,” she said.

“Right. Tad cracked.”

“He confessed?” Riley said. “I knew it. Such a little weasel.”

“Run us through it,” Greyson said.

Christian gestured for Andi to proceed, and she relayed the entire conversation with Tad.

“Joel is escorting Tad to the PO box he made drops at with Julia,” Christian added when Andi wrapped up. “He said he’d keep us posted.”

“Unfortunately, I doubt anything will be found at this point, given Tad owns no more galleries to rob,” Andi said.

“You think Tad’s safe,” Riley asked, “considering what they did to Alex and Julia?”

Christian exhaled. “As long as he’s in police custody.”

Riley crossed her legs. “And if he’s released on bail?”

“I sure wouldn’t want to be him,” Andi said.

“Do you think Julia Brown was the woman’s real name?” Greyson asked.

“Hard to say. Her prints are linked to it—that’s how Joel’s search found her. They’re still running the sketch on the news, so hopefully someone that knows more will see it. If we find out more about her, maybe we can find a tie to our two robbers,” Christian said before taking a sip of his double espresso.

“And where they’re going to hit next. Assuming this isn’t over,” Greyson said.

“You think it isn’t?” Riley asked.
