Page 139 of One Wrong Move

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“I’m afraid so,” Greyson said.

“What if she’s the collector?” Andi said. “Maybe she’s amassing a heritage collection of her own. The items came from Mesoamerica.”

“Could very well be, and if that’s the case, it stands to reason,”Greyson said, getting to his feet, “they’ll flee to Mexico when this is all over.”

“If we don’t stop them first,” Christian said.

“No pressure there,” Andi said.

“What else do we know about Cyrus and Teresa?” Christian asked.

“They grew up in New Mexico. In Lordsburg,” Greyson said. “Teresa got started in crime earlier. I can’t see her juvie records, but she was arrested three times before she was nineteen.”

“Seriously?” Andi said. “Drugs?”

Greyson nodded. “The first time with her boyfriend ... a Tomas Nelson.” Greyson set her mug shot on the table.

“Great,” Riley said.

“Then twice with a guy named Leo Hernandez.” Greyson showed them another mug shot of Teresa, along with a news article he’d found with a picture of the two. “So, as you can see, her affection for drugs started early.”

“Crazy,” Riley said.

“And there’s one more thing,” Greyson said.

“Of course there is,” Christian said. “And at this rate, I’m guessing it’s worse news still?”

Greyson inclined his head.

“Worse than a drug lord?” Riley said.

“Given the information I received, I placed a call to my friend in the DEA.”

Christian sat against the back of the couch, the stiff pillow propping him up. The man had connections everywhere. “And?” he asked.

“He said one of Gutierrez’s men, Enrique Chavez, entered the States a few days ago.”

“The man in our bathroom,” Christian said.

“Highly likely, but I’m sure we’ll have confirmation soon.”

“Whoever he is, at least one guy’s out of the picture,” Andi said, shifting to sit closer to Christian, her arm against his.

Greyson rubbed a hand across his head. “Yes, but there’s likely more.”

Christian narrowed his eyes, studying Greyson’s expression. For the first time since working with Greyson, he heard worry thick in his voice, could see it creased along his brow.

“You’re worried,” Christian said before thinking better of it in front of Andi and his sister. But it had caught him off-guard. They’d been through some serious and very dangerous cases, and Greyson had held calm and firm through them all—until now.

“Concerned,” he said. “For your and Miss Andi’s well-being.”

“Miss Andi?” Riley said. “You’re not that much older than us.”

“A decade more than you,” he said.

Riley pulled her knee to her chest. “In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a lot.”

Christian exhaled, trying to still his thudding heart. He’d been away from Ethan nearly a decade, but clearly his ex-partner’s anger burned on. The image of Ethan’s face the last night he’d seen him flashed through his mind. Ethan was furious at getting caught and blamed him, going so far as to tell the police he’d robbed the gallery with him. Thankfully, he’d had an ironclad alibi, or given his past and Ethan’s false word, it could have gone south. The fact it didn’t angered Ethan all the more.
