Page 140 of One Wrong Move

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Handcuffed and being escorted out of one of the Bureau’s interrogation rooms, Ethan’s warning he’d get Christian back all those years ago reverberated through his mind. Apparently, Ethan was holding true to his threat, but just how far was he going to take it?


DECKARD BUCKLED INfor their delayed trip to Boston, thanks to the shootout at Harper’s place and all that involved. Six anxious hours aboard, knowing Randy might be the one who held the information they needed, gnawed at his gut. If they were wrong about Randy, they’d have to regroup and reassess.

Please, Lord,let Randy have the answers we need. Let him be honest with us. Help us to know who isbehind this,and I pray it’s not Mitch. If it is,how could I have been so wrong?

When asked who stood to gain the most from what happened in the lab, he’d been thinking promotion-wise, but when his brain stilled enough and he spent silent time in prayer, it came to him. Mitch obviously stood to gain the most from what happened in the lab that night. He stood to gain his freedom. But how? How would he have managed it all? And if it wasn’t Mitch, who was the real killer?

“You okay?” Harper asked, looking over as the plane began its taxi toward the runway.

“Yeah. Just thinking it through.”

“Yeah. I can’t get it to stop racing through my head either. I’m praying Randy has answers and is willing to tell us. Or he at least points us in the next direction to go.”

“I prayed the same except for the new direction. I should have prayed that rather than just thinking we’d be at a loss.”

She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Let’s take it one step at a time, like you said you always work your cases.”

Normally he did, but this one had gotten personal.

“Do you think the police will have any luck finding whoever shot at us?”

“I wish I could say yes....” They had nothing to go on except the casings found from their shooting position and the bullets found lodged in different places of her home.

“Yeah. That was my thought, but we can pray.”

True. God could do abundantly more than they could even ask or think. He prayed with all his soul that God would open the door they needed to walk through and that they’d survive whatever was waiting for them on the other end.


Christian rolled his aching shoulders under the hot water streaming over him. He rested his hands against the tile wall.

There’d been no point in trying to go back to sleep. Everyone was on edge after last night’s intruder.

Frustration seared through him, the hot water only serving to heat him more. Was no place safe? What had they all walked into?

A knock rapped on the door. “Christian,” Andi said, her voice rushed.

He jumped out of the shower, threw on a towel, and opened the door. “What’s wrong?” He stood there dripping.

Beet red consumed her cheeks. “Sorry. I didn’t stop to think. I...”

“What’s wrong?”

She swallowed, casting her gaze away, then back up to his face. “A gallery in Phoenix was hit last night.”

“Okay, I’ll get dressed and see how fast we can catch a flight.”

“Greyson’s already on it. There’s one leaving in two hours.”

Right now, two hours felt like forever. “We better pack bags. We don’t know how long we’ll be based there.”

“I was thinking the same thing. They hit a string here. They could do the same in Arizona.”


HARPER ANDDECKARD STOOD OUTSIDERandy Fox’s door. They’d stay all night if they had to. Sooner or later, he had to come home. They’d hoped to catch him at his work, but thanks to a very friendly receptionist, they’d learned he’d already left for the day.
