Page 177 of One Wrong Move

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“I’ve been to the state fair, but that’s a...”

“Whole ’nother ball game,” he said. “This is one of those small-town fairs where the proceeds benefit the fire department.”

“That’s cool,” she said, taking in the heart of downtown. It had been transformed. There were rows of games to play, food stands that smelled amazing, and stalls of artwork of varying kinds—from turquoise-and-silver jewelry to slate paintings and everything in between.

“This is awesome,” she said, twirling around to take it all in.

He took her hand and spun her.

“Nice move,” she said. “You’ll have to twirl me on the dance floor later.”

“You assume I can dance.”

She rested her hands on her hips. “I guarantee you can dance. Deckard ... maybe not.”

Christian looked over at Deckard sitting on a picnic table, his boots on the bench, eating a funnel cake.

“He can dance, but...”

“He rarely does. I bet if Harper were here, he would,” she said, slipping her hand in his.

“You know, I think you’re probably right.”

After playing games and eating far too much food, they moved to look through the artist’s stalls.

“The turquoise is gorgeous,” she said, scanning every piece. She looked up at Christian. “I never noticed it before.”

“What’s that?”

“They’re all unique. Their patterns, color, texture.”

“Yep,” he said, tugging her close as they exited the first stall.

She smiled up at him.

“Unique ... just like you.” He leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to her lips.

Her head swam. He thought her unique. She liked that.

They continued walking, his warm hand in hers as they entered the next stall.

She perused all the turquoise jewelry. “Look at this one,” she said, tugging him over. “Look how blue this bracelet is. I’ve never seen turquoise this clear blue.”

“It’s Sleeping Beauty,” the woman running the stall said.

“I beg your pardon?” Andi asked.

“It’s Sleeping Beauty turquoise,” the woman explained.

“It’s beautiful.” Andi smiled. “Did you make the jewelry?”

The woman nodded.

“You’re very talented,” she said, and the woman nodded with a sweet smile.

“Try it on,” Christian said.

