Page 25 of One Wrong Move

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“It was just the right fit for me,” he said, not elaborating.

She understood the power of a name. After everything that went down, she’d considered changing her last name, but she’ddone nothing wrong, and despite running from Albuquerque to the boonies outside of Santa Fe, she refused to let the past cower her into being someone she was not.

“Now, your turn,” Christian said.

She hesitated.

He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “I’m not here to judge you.”

“Funny.” She fidgeted with the lowest button on her blouse. “Everyone else does.”

“I’m not everybody else.”

She studied him, his steadfast profile, the kindness in his eyes when he glanced at her. His kindness was throwing her off ... like being on a Tilt-A-Whirl with the world spinning around her. Her breath came in spurts.

“It’s okay,” he said. “Focus your breath.”

Embarrassment swarmed hot up her neck, flashing across her cheeks. She focused, and after a moment of utter, breathless panic, she got it to still ... some.

He dipped his head to look her in the eye. “You okay?”

She nodded.

“I’m sorry I upset you. I’d just really like to hear what happened.” He kicked the wipers on high to keep up with the dousing rain as thunder rumbled in the distance. Why was he being so nice?

Streaming out a somewhat settled breath, she spoke before she chickened out. “I never mishandled or misplaced anything. I was set up, and no one other than my brother; my best friend, Harper; and Grant believed me.”

“Grant?” he asked.

“Grant Harrison, my boss, who’s an old family friend.”

“Speaking of family,” Christian said. “Surely the rest of your family believed you.”

“They remained silent. I told them what happened. They said okay, and that was it, but every time it came up, they gave each other looks that were painfully clear. They didn’t believe me.”

“I’m so sorry. Family, of all people, should have your back. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen.”

She eyed him. “It sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve been there.”

Lightning sizzled through the blackened sky, followed a breath of a second later with the roaring growl of thunder.

They were driving into the heart of the storm.

“But ...” he said, “that’s a story for another day. Let’s get back to you.” He redirected the conversation. He had a knack for doing that. “Do you know who set you up?”

“You say that like you believe me.” She tried to keep her tone from slipping into defensive sarcasm.

“I don’t see a reason not to.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You’d take my word over your brother’s?”

“I’m not saying that, but it sounds like Deckard doesn’t know the whole story.”

She linked her arms across her chest. “He wouldn’t listen to me. Just cut me off. Told me to hire a different PI if I had concerns.”

“He was working for Mitch. It would have been a conflict of interest to look into your case.”
