Page 38 of One Wrong Move

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Andi scooched back into the seat as he pulled the Glock from the glove box, then shut it and straightened.

“I’m going to grab an extra mag, and then I say we run for it.” Of course, Deck didn’t have an umbrella.

She nodded.

He grabbed the mag from the rear lockbox—the back of his shirt soaked and suctioned to his skin in a matter of moments—and then grabbed her door for her. Taking her hand, they bolted for the front entrance, squishing under the narrow overhang.

“How do we get in this gallery?” she asked, her arms wrapped about her.

A triple set of keypads. Christian plugged the first code into the exterior pad. The door buzzed, and he held it open for her.

“Thanks,” she said, stepping inside, water dripping to the floor and puddling around them.

“I’ll take care of the next two alarms and see if we can’t find something to dry off with. Or...” He winced at the sight of her shivering. “At least warm up somehow.”

She nodded and followed him as he disarmed the system.

“If they come and see the alarm is off, won’t they know we’re here?”

“I’m going to reset them.”

“Then won’t we set them off?” she asked as he opened the back-office door—only the emergency lighting on.

“No motion sensors here. Another of Tad’s brilliant choices.”

“But you installed the system,” she said, her teeth chattering.

“I suggested upgrades to what he had in place, and he took two of my recommendations and blatantly ignored the rest, so I refused to back my work here too.”

She rubbed her arms beside him, and he fought the urge to tug her in his arms and warm her up.

He swallowed at the thoughts of her pulling at his mind. He hadn’t felt anything for a woman in a long time. How had Andi Forester managed to invade his mind in such a short amount of time? He shook off the thoughts of her dancing through his head and moved for the light switch.

“It’s almost like Tad wanted to get robbed,” she said. “The way he handled the systems...”

“I’m starting to wonder,” he said, flipping the lights on in thewindowless office. They bathed the room in a warm glow. He took in their surroundings, and his gaze locked on the closet. “I bet Tad keeps a jacket or something in here,” he said, striding for it.

“Here we go,” he said, opening the door to find a jacket, dress shirt, tie, and even a pair of loafers. “This should help,” he said, pulling the jacket off the hanger, which clanged against the metal bar behind him as he strode to Andi. He draped it across her shoulders and tugged it together, reaching for the zipper.

“What about you?” she asked as he zipped her up, still wanting to pull her into his arms.

“I’m fine.” But he needed to focus on the case rather than how intriguing she’d become to him.

“You’re soaked to the bone,” she said, shivering. If she didn’t warm up soon, hewasgoing to pull her into his arms.

He glanced back at the closet. “I’ll change my shirt. That’ll help.” He was taller and broader than Tad, but it would work well enough for the night.

Andi’s cheeks burned red at the sight of Christian O’Brady without a shirt. Struggling to hide her smile, she turned her glance away.

“Sorry,” he said. “I could have stepped outside if that made you uncomfortable.”

“No. It’s fine. No different than seeing you or any man in a swimsuit.” Though she doubted any man was ripped like he was.Wow.She looked upward and mouthed,Good job.

“It’s a little short,” he said, and she flashed her gaze back on him, and unbridled laughter spilled from her lips. The cuffs hit several inches from his wrists, the fabric straining.

He looked down and grabbed the hem of the shirt, it also landing several inches above his waist. “Yeah, not sure this is going to work.” He chuckled.

“It’s better than staying soaked. Besides, if you...” She strode over, unbuttoned the sleeves, and rolled them up his sinewy forearms one at a time. How did he have muscles like that for forearms?Sheesh. “There you go,” she said, finishing up.
