Page 59 of One Wrong Move

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“Here’s the bathroom.” He opened the second door on the right. It was stunning. White marble tiles covered the floor, matching marble lined the walk-in shower with a rainwater showerhead. And cool frosted-glass bowls topped the vanity. The man had good taste.

“The bedroom,” he said, leading her to the next and last door on the left, “is here.” He opened the door to reveal what looked like a ski chalet. Warm earthy tones of cream, brown, and hunter green made up the color palette, rustic wooden beams lined the ceiling, and a stone fireplace sat opposite the pine bed.

Her eyes danced to the green comforter, then the cream chair with a rich brown woolen blanket draped over it. Bookcases lined one wall, a dresser stood on the other, and on the far side was a sliding door. She stepped to it, gazing at the deep crest of the mountain full of aspens and junipers. Then she lowered her gaze to the flagstone patio, complete with a hot tub. The thought of sharing time in it with Christian flashed through her mind. She blinked. Where had that come from?

“Well, we need to get some shut-eye. I’ll be in the front room ifyou need anything,” he said. “I’m just going to grab a pillow and a blanket.”

“Of course.” She stood to the side.

He grabbed one of a plethora of fluffy pillows off the bed and retrieved the blanket from the reading chair—or at least what looked like it would be a great one.

He stepped to the doorway and leaned against the frame. “Sweet dreams.”

She hadn’t heard that in ages. Not since she was a little kid and her dad tucked her in bed at night after reading her a story or three. She’d always asked for another one and another one, but he maxed out at three. She missed those times when he’d shown deep affection for her. Now it was limited interaction. And the fact they remained “neutral” on what went down with Mitch’s case showed her parents didn’t believe her. They just didn’t want to say it outright.

“You okay?” Christian asked, still leaning against the doorjamb, staring at her in a way he hadn’t before. There was affection there. And that, while it felt innately good, unsettled her, because she was beginning to feel affection for him too. But they had to stay focused on the case, and the fact was, she was scared to trust anyone with her heart. Even a man as kind as Christian.

“Yeah,” she finally managed, slipping her hair over her shoulders. “Just spacing out...”

“I’ll let you get your rest.” He pushed off the doorjamb and stepped fully out of the room. “I’m right out there if you need me,” he reminded her. He needn’t have. She felt innately safe with him there.

He pulled the door closed, and she looked back to the bed. It was hard taking time to sleep when they had so much work ahead of them on the case, but if she didn’t sleep, she’d be ineffective.

Climbing into the luxurious, plump bed in comfy clothes, she sunk into the mattress. It felt like lying on a cloud. She fluffed one of the top pillows and fashioned it under her head just so, then rolled on her side to face the sliding door. It was beautiful outside, but she couldn’t shake the sudden feeling that someone was out there—watching.


DECKARD PULLED HISSUVto a stop in front of the two-story brick building in downtown Santa Fe.

Harper had used the ride over to fill Deckard in on the particulars of the case that she knew like the back of her hand. She’d waited so long for Andi to hire someone to look into who had set her up. Now she was beyond thankful. The fact that it was Deckard MacLeod was, in a word, unique. But after watching him interact with Andi and the questions he asked, he was the right man for the job. The fact she’d get to spend the duration of the case with such a handsome man was just a bonus.

She glanced up at the big silver letters on the top-right corner of the building. MIS.

Sun glinted off them—its rays blinding. She shielded her eyes with her hand. “MIS? MacLeod Investigative Services, I’m guessing.”

“Close. It’s MacLeod Investigations and Security.”

“Oh, because Christian does security system analysis.” She’d gotten that much from Andi, though the two had barely had a moment alone to speak. She couldn’t wait until they had time for Andi to fully dish on the hunk that was Christian MacLeod. Not that Deckard was any slacker, with his chiseled jaw, rugged build, and ice-blue eyes she could get lost in. They were certainly a beautiful family, but any attachment to the man—even a casual date—was out ofthe question. As soon as the new itinerary for her ICRC mission came through, she’d be leaving for two months. No sense starting something she’d just have to leave.

The borderline flirtatious comments on the ride over were fun, but dangerous. Even if he was showing interest, which she believed he was, it didn’t mean he wanted to take it any further by asking her out on a date. She needed to chill and focus on Andi’s case.

Joy filled her that the truth would finally come out. For whatever reason, she believed Deckard could get to the bottom of it. And she’d be right there to help. Her friend had suffered enough. It was time to set her free.

Deckard climbed out of the SUV and moved around to open her door, then paused near the hood.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’ve nearly got a flat,” he said, sinking down out of sight.

She eased the door open, not wanting to hit him while he no doubt examined the wheel well. She climbed out and shielded her eyes with her hand. The sun was bright and hot today—the dry heat like a sauna. Too long in it and she withered. “Flat?” she said, glancing at Deckard hunched down in front of the tire in question.

“Yeah.” He tapped the nail in it. “Must have just run over it, but it’s leaking steady.”

And fast. “Bummer.”

“It’s okay. It’s got enough in it, I can run it over to Leroy.”

“Leroy?” she asked.
