Page 81 of One Wrong Move

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“What makes you think that? If he was cheating, why wait until the fallout to dump me?”

“Because people’s admiration drove him. He was the hot new agent with the smart and beautiful fiancée, and he wasn’t going to risk people’s disapproval if he could help it. Heck, I think if that hadn’t happened, you two would be married now, and he’d have Miss Cupcake on the side.”

Andi opened her mouth to argue, then shut it. As much as she hated to admit it, she’d harbored the same thoughts. “Fine. You want me to admit it? Jeremy wasn’t who I thought he was.”

“Exactly. He wasn’t who anyone thought he was. He fooled us all—so dump that guilt over not seeing through him from your mind.” She stirred her spoon in the tea mug, clanging against the ceramic a time or two. “You clearly have feelings for Christian. He’s not Jeremy, so lose the reservations.”

“I just met him.”

“Sometimes things happen fast.”

Andi scrunched the pillow tighter, playing with the tassels along the edge—running the threads through her fingers. “But, what if...”

Harper leaned forward. “Honey, what did I tell you about what-ifs?”

“That God’s in control, and there’s no use trying to figure out a future we can’t know.”

“Right.” Harper took a sip of her tea while Andi swallowed a sip of the yummy, spicy chocolate drink.

“So, just admit it,” Harper began, no doubt ready to press her until she admitted her feelings for Christian.

“Admit what?” Deckard said behind Andi, and she about jumped out of her skin.

“Sorry.” He made a little kid “sorry” face with puppy dog eyes and an exaggerated grin.

“All good,” Andi said.

Harper set her cup down. “Are you ready?”

He lifted a backpack. “Yep.”

“You don’t think this might take a few days?” Harper asked.

“Oh, I’m sure it will. Probably a week.”

“Then why just a backpack?” Harper angled her head to look over the couch at his hands. “No other bag?”

“Nope.” He clutched the green nylon pack against his chest and patted it. “Got everything I need.”

“Okay, then let’s head out.” Harper stood, grabbed her cup, and gave Andi a one-armed hug. “Be safe.”

“You too,” Andi said, looking between her and Deckard. “You guys are clearly digging up stuff those involved want to keep hidden.”

Deckard cocked his head. “The question is, how far are they willing to go to keep it hidden?”


“MIND IFIJOIN YOU?”Christian asked Andi before Harper and Deckard had vanished around the main house.

“Please,” she said.

To her surprise, he sat on the couch with her rather than in one of the myriad of chairs.

Her heart thumped. Her traitorous heart. It was all Harper’s fault. She’d put the notion in Andi’s head. Okay, she hadn’t put it there, but she’d exacerbated it.

Christian reclined against the sofa, draping his arm along the back of the cushions.

He’d showered while Deckard packed, and she and Harper talked. But he hadn’t shaved. The five o’clock shadow covering his rugged jawline and blanketing parts of his cheeks was extremely attractive.Great.Just what she needed. Thinking him even more handsome. Was that really possible?
