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He peered at her in surprise as she stared at me, horrified. “Say the name, and I end him for you, darling.”

She looked at her grumpy friend, still bearing her shock on her face. I’d managed to be an even bigger jerk than Ben.

After she composed herself, she calmed him down. “It’s okay, John. It was just...a scare. He...wore glasses, and you know how nerdy men get to me. It’s how these things go. One day you’re flirting with a geek, and the other one you’re punching your friend for saying stupid shit.” She glared at me, and I wasn’t even embarrassed for flinching before a woman half my size.

Mr. Cross looked from her to me, realizing it wasn’t as serious as I made it to be. He shook his head and turned on his arthritic feet, grumbling about young kids and their stupid pranks.

When he was out of earshot, she whisper-yelled, “What the hell was that?”

“I’m sorry, I panicked.”

“But to tell him I’mpregnant?”

“I couldn’t tell himIwas pregnant. He wouldn’t have believed me.”

She shook her fists at her side. “Why does anybody have to be pregnant?” I didn’t have a good response to that, so I just shrugged and gave her my best apologetic smile. She just scrunched her nose, rubbed her eyes under her glasses, and mumbled, “Scar was right. I’m surrounded by idiots.”

As I laughed at her mock displeasure, I felt like things were beginning to get back on track. We were finally learning how to talk about our past, and how to deal with what was given to us so we could look ahead into the future.

And I couldn’t help believing Lisa was going to be a part of mine.


I was walking on air. Not even the soreness between my legs prevented me from prancing. It was actually a huge reason for it.

When I arrived home after the night that finally sealed our relationship, I went straight to my bedroom, not ready to deal with the questions I knew Enid Specter would come up with. My mom was a smart woman, and she’d noticed the change in me. I was a person who bonded. Case in point, April was my best friend since kindergarten, I still had the hoodie from high school, and all my passwords were in honor of the dog I had when I was a kid.

I attached to people, and I liked that. In a world where relationships drained like water through closed fingers, I enjoyed creating connections. And I was more than connected to Sofia and Danny.

My father was too renewed and enjoying his second chance at life to try to convince me to stop whatever was going on. On the other hand, my mom was wary. I couldn’t resent her for worrying about me. But I didn’t want to have her pointing out errors on something so beautiful and that was making me happy.

So, for the days that followed, I avoided any deep conversations with her and filled our encounters with foolish talk and non-stop blabbering. She wanted me to be happy, but I couldn’t risk the disappointment of not seeing her thrilled for me on that matter.

I wasn’t trying to hide what was going on. I just wanted more time for the fairy tale beginning. I already had to deal with his obnoxious ex; I didn’t want to deal with a worried parent over something so beautiful.

We hadn’t been able to have sex again since that day, although we got more creative in exploring ourselves whenever Fee was distracted. It’d be harder for a while since his mother was coming back, and once again I wasdreading having to deal with a worried parent. I wasn’t sure she’d be happy with our new...discovery endeavors.

His warmth enveloped me when he cornered me against the kitchen counter—thatkitchen counter—his torso against my back and hands trapping me between his arms.

“I miss that night.” He nibbled my earlobe, making me shiver. “It feels like such a long time ago.” He kissed the curve of my neck and pressed his erection against my butt.

I moaned, pushing my hips back and leaning my head to the side, to give him better access. “I’m starting to wonder if it was real or if I dreamed it.”

He continued his exploration, making me wet. “If we don’t do it again soon, you might end up forgetting about me.”

Despite his sensual kisses, I noticed a note of vulnerability in his tone. I turned around and placed my hands on his face. “Do you really worry about that?” He shrugged one shoulder in response, and I realized I was falling fast for that endearing big man. “That’s not a possibility, Danny.” I pulled him closer to drop a soft kiss on his lips.

“You don’t know that. I come with a lot of baggage, and there might come a day when you’ll realize it’s not worth the hassle.”

I rubbed my thumbs over his face. “I thought we’d already established we’d help each other with our baggage. As for your worry, no matter how long it takes, no matter what we have to deal with, there won’t come a day when Sofia and you aren’t worthy. Or a day when I don’t remember that night.”

He framed my face with his big hands, caressing my cheeks with his thumb, and stared at me in wonder. “You’re a marvelous woman, Lisa Specter.”

I winked. “Don’t you ever forget that, Mr. Delgado.”

He groaned like he always did when I called him that and pressed his lips against mine. His leisure seduction was long forgotten as he devoured my lips and tongue with passion. We were about to lose control on that fateful counter again when someone barged in through the front door.

“Mijo!Princesa!” Sonia Delgado was a loud woman.
