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Danny and I jumped apart, and I walked to the kitchen window, hoping some fresh air would help cool me down. I heard Danny mumbling, “Hugo’s drool, Hugo’s drool,” and burst out laughing when he muttered, “Now I’m ready,” before heading to greet his mother.

“My sweet Danny. I missed you.” I heard them talk in the living room, not ready to face her yet.

“Grandma!” Fee shrieked, and I could hear the rapid slaps of her little feet on the floor.

“No need to run.” I didn’t know why Danny insisted on saying that; she never listened.

“Mi princesa! I missed your pretty face so much.”

“How was your trip, Mom?”

“It was a Delgado meet-up, you can imagine how it was. And...look, your aunt is calling me already.” She answered her phone and started yelling something in Spanish.

I crossed with Danny in the hallway as he carried her luggage. “Is everything okay with your family?”

He looked at me, confused. “Yes, why are you asking?”

“Well, she seems to be arguing with someone?” It came out more like a question than a statement.

He burst out laughing. “They’re exchanging compliments and making plans to meet again. Sonia can only speak in loud and...emphaticmode. That’s her being happy.”

He chuckled at my surprised expression and gave me a peck on the lips.

When he resumed his carrying, I looked ahead and noticed Sonia was still on the phone but observing us. I couldn’t read her expression, but I knew she’d seen her son kiss me.

I was frozen in place as she ended her call. She stretched her hand. “Lisa, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Hello, Mrs. Delgado.” I shook her hand. “I hope you had a nice trip.”

“I did, thank you. I got a lot done. What about you? Did you have a lot done?”

Why does this sound like a trap?

“Mom,” Danny scolded from behind me. “Be nice.”

She peered at him with big eyes. “I’m always nice,mi hijo. I’m just curious about her, and how you both managed without me the last few days.”

“We were great, and we also had wonderful days. Just like you, we had fun, and we’re happy,” he stated pointedly.

She gazed from him to me with shrewd eyes, before turning to Fee. “Look at you, with your colorful hair.”

“You like it?” Sofia was pure excitement. “Lissie and April did it.”

“I loved it, I think you look like a princess worthy of a unicorn. Speaking of which, why don’t we check those bags, I think we might find a couple of things you’ll like.”

As they extracted toys—a stuffed unicorn among them—and other gifts, I tried to control my breathing. I wasn’t sure how to react around Danny’s mom. He sat on the floor with Fee as she squealed at every gift she received, and I couldn’t help smiling at seeing them both so happy.

It took me a while to realize Mrs. Delgado was once again observing me. I straightened up and cleaned my sweaty hands on my jeans. “Can I get you anything, Mrs. Delgado? Coffee, tea, water?”

She studied me, then gazed at her son and granddaughter laughing on the floor. “Coffee would be nice, thank you.” I turned on my heels and was walking to the kitchen when she called me again. “Call me Sonia, dear.”

After Sonia’s apparent seal of approval, a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I hadn’t realized how worried I was about what his mother would think of me. Even though she was back to stay a while, I was still babysitting Fee, and it was better to do so with an ally around.

Our day-to-day routine was more of the same. Between fixing her meals and playing with her, I started bringing some fun activities for Sofia to learn. Even though it wasn’t my major, I took a few classes on childhood education in college that I enjoyed.

I cheered whenever she accomplished something new, and I loved being one of the people to teach her new things. As I was starting to notice, her father wasn’t the only one living rent-free in my heart. It was impossible not to love the little girl with a heart as big as her dark eyes. Just like her father.

We were wrapping up the latest activity when she pouted. “I missPapi.”
