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They finished their coffees and walked back to the office. Malcolm couldn't stop thinking about their date. He spent the rest of the day in a happy fog when he should have been razor focused on work. He didn't get everything done, but it was Derrick's idea to take him out for coffee and then blindside him with a date invite.

On the night of their date, Malcolm arranged for Mona to come over and babysit Paula. Paula was happy to see her and told Mona all about Malcolm's plans. "Uncle Malcolm is going 'to a date'. It's like a party for just him and Mr. A."

"Is it?" Mona said with a laugh.

"Yes. Uncle Malcolm told me about dates. You sit together at a table eating food, and talking, and liking each other."

Mona grinned at Malcolm, but he confirmed that Paula was right. "That's exactly what a date is," Malcolm told her but he was thinking that a date with Derrick might be more than that.

Once Paula was tucked into bed, Malcolm started getting ready for his date. Now he felt his nerves kick into high gear. He took his time though.

He dressed in his best suit, not one of his work suits. He knew he could never look as good as Derrick, but he wanted to put in his best effort. He stared at himself in the mirror critically, adjusting his tie, then adjusted it again.

He had to stop when Derrick texted that he was on his way. Malcolm was too on edge to wait for him there. He looked in on Paula, said goodnight to Mona, and headed downstairs to wait for Derrick in front of the building where he could freeze his ass off and pace.

The sound of a car pulling up made him turn, and he saw Derrick park and step out, looking stunning in a beautifully fitted black suit. He left the car running and opened the door for Malcolm. "Thank you," Malcolm said. He could already tell that this date wasn't going to be like any other he had ever been on.

Malcolm took a deep breath, still nervous as he took his seat. He had no idea what to expect, but he was already thrilled by the night ahead of them though it had barely started. For now, all he was doing was sitting next to Derrick while he sped away.

"You look wonderful," Derrick told him, and Malcolm resisted the urge to tell him that he could never match him.

"You look amazing. Do I get to know where we're going?" he asked.

"Not yet," Derrick said and just kept driving until they reached a small airfield.

"Are we flying somewhere?" Malcolm asked as they got out. He eyed the small planes but Derrick pointed at a helicopter. "Seriously? This is crazy."

"I thought a nighttime helicopter ride might be a nice way to get there," Derrick said, and Malcolm didn't even ask where. He was still trying to deal with the helicopter.

"I'm not the kind of guy people take on helicopter dates," he told Derrick and the helicopter blades started turning slowly.

"I think you're wrong about that," he said dryly while nodding at the helicopter they happened to be about to board.

Malcolm chuckled. "Well, I am now, but that's your fault. How am I supposed to date anyone else after this?"

"You're not," Derrick told him sternly, speaking loudly to be heard over the noise. Malcolm just stared at him and Derrick looked away.

The helicopter ride was exhilarating. They left behind the lights of the city and flew into darkness. The noise of the engine and the blades whirring made conversation difficult. That meant Derrick got to keep their destination a secret until they arrived, and the helicopter descended towards mountains lit by moonlight.

They landed and a sign welcomed them to Falls Lodge, but it was really more like a massive mountain resort. They stepped out onto the helicopter pad and into freezing night air. Now Malcolm was stunned once again. He was staring at an icy waterfall, listening to its rushing waters.

"So this is what a date with you is like, damn. I don't think I'm worth all this trouble," he admitted as Derrick put an arm around him while he shivered and gaped at the sight.

Derrick frowned at his declaration. "You're worth everything," he said solemnly, and Malcolm decided not to argue, not that he could speak past the lump in his throat.

The resort itself was breathtaking too. The restaurant they were going to was a grand, rustic building made of wood and stone. Going in, they were faced with giant windows with a stunning view of the waterfall, and beyond it, the mountains. "Amazing," Malcolm gasped but he was especially happy to be out of the cold.

The warmth of the lodge-style restaurant was inviting, and the place managed to be both rustic and luxurious with soft lighting and music. They were seated at a table by the window, giving them the perfect view of the waterfall. Malcolm was intimidated by it all, and even Derrick himself, but he pushed those feelings aside, determined to enjoy this experience to the fullest.

As they waited for their food, sipped their wine and gazed out at the waterfall, everything he was experiencing made Malcolm feel like he was in a dream.

Just as their meal arrived and Malcolm was savoring the first bite of his venison with wild greens, Derrick tensed up as someone called out, "Sandrine, over here!" The person was across the room, and Derrick half turned then stopped himself.

"Someone you know?" Malcolm asked.

"No. Sandrine was my mother's name," Derrick said quietly then turned like he was making sure it wasn't her then he shook his head. It wasn't her. "It's not a name I hear much so it startled me. She left when I was a kid."

"I'm sorry," Malcolm said and stopped eating.
