Page 12 of Beneath The Surface

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“Good morning, handsome,” I said as I took the coffee. It weighed heavy on my mind that today was the day we’d be leaving. We had discussed the possibility of an us, and where we would go from here. I knew that my healing meant anything between us stayed on the island, along with my demons. I needed to start fresh and move forward.

We showered and left shortly after coffee. He had loaded up the luggage and, as far as I could tell, our flight was on time. “I’m going to take a quick walk if that’s okay?”

“Sure. Would you like me to join you?”

“No. I’m good, thanks. I’m only going down a street or two to take some pictures. I won’t be long,” I said as I started to walk away with my phone already in picture mode. I strolled down the road, looking at the trees; most were pines, and a few were different species. Squirrels and birds were flitting around.

The weather was being kind to us again today, suggesting we’d have safe travels. I hated to fly, which weighed heavily on my mind as I snapped pictures of unique trees and the water as I walked. I snatched my phone from my pocket and stopped to take a picture of a turtle crossing the road a short distance from where I stood. I worked hard to keep my mind in the present as I focused on my breathing. I repeated the mantra I had learned that I was worthy and not alone and good things were abundant.

For most of our flight I slept, and once we landed and retrieved our luggage, it was nice to feel the heat and air of Florida hitting my face when we exited the airport in Fort Myers. I spotted Victoria and her entourage immediately. “Hi,” I said and hugged her, holding ontoher as tears streamed down my face. “How will I ever repay you? Thank you, Victoria, you saved my life.”

She stepped away from me, put her hands on my shoulders, and looked at me. “You owe me nothing, babe. You look marvelous and sexy. Now, dry up those tears; we have a lot of work to catch up on. Besides, Ben and everyone else missed the hell out of you for a reason unbeknownst to me.”

I laughed through my tears as I wiped them away. “You’re still a bitch, I see.”

“Bitch, please. I’m always here for you, babe–always.” She smiled, taking her hands from my shoulder. The love I had for her swelled in my heart. I would be forever grateful to her, the lady that tore me down to build me back up, my angel–or bitch, as I called her.

God help us, and look out, world. I was back.


The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow. Bob Marley

After three months, twelve contractors, a tour, and many sleepless nights, I finally got a break, and my house was exactly how I wanted it. Now it was time to celebrate. I shot off a text to Kayla:

Ready to hit the beach for some

fun in the sun and

then dinner and dancing?

Sounds good. Around ten tomorrow?


Okay, see ya then.

That set, I ran out to the grocery store to stock up on beer and munchies, made sure my beach towel was washed, and the truck was loaded with the umbrella, chairs, and blanket.

The next morning, after coffee, I ran with Simba. We ran about four miles around the neighborhood. I was still getting used to all the different routes that took me back to the same place: home.

Simba seemed to have gotten the hang of it much quicker than I had. We jogged by the main street through our neighborhood, which I hated to run near, in fear Simba would run out and get hit. I quickly got off that street, ran south on Darvo, and headed home. The weather had turned humid, and my shirt was wet with sweat by the time we turned onto our street. Simba picked up the pace as he panted harder. “Okay, boy, are you ready? Go!” We always raced home when we turned onto our street, sprinting the rest of the way.

I was totally out of breath by the time I reached the door. I opened it and Simba ran through the house and jumped straight into the pool. I agreed with him and followed suit. I jumped in behind him, cooling off immediately as the water hit my skin.

“Hey, you just bit me!” I laughed as I threw the ball to Simba again as he barked joyfully. “Okay, buddy, let’s get out.”

Simba followed me out of the pool, shook hard, went over to the sunny part of the pool cage and laid down.

I headed toward the shower, jumped in and lathered up. My phone rang as I shampooed the chlorine water out of my hair, but it would have to wait.

Once done dressing, I checked the phone,Unlisted, and no message. I continued getting ready, then went to the kitchen and loaded the cooler. About ten minutes later, Kayla showed up.

“Hey Simba, how are you? Ew, you’re all wet. Go on.”

I laughed and told Simba to go back outside, then tossed a hand towel to Kayla. “We took a quick dip in the pool; I’m almost ready. Would you top off his food and water bowl while I finish, and we’ll get out of here?”

“Sure.” She went to the pantry and grabbed the food and a bottle of water. “Okay, all set.”
