Page 57 of Beneath The Surface

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I dropped the letter momentarily as my hand went to my mouth to cover the cries. Picking the letter back up, I continued to read.

Hi Liv. You don’t know me, but I’m your father.

Your mother and I were so in love when we had you. I was called off to war and missed seeing you do all the firsts in your little life. We chose not to tell you about us, except that I was gone. If you are reading this letter now, you must know I’ve not survived the war. I’m writing this in hopes of giving you some peace in the fact that I didn’t just run off. I’m here with you today and am sure I’ve been with you ever since my life was taken.

Be strong, Love Paul (Dad)

It was too much to take, so I put the note and the medal in the side table drawer for another day.

Ilooked up at El. “Did you know what they were?”

He shook his head as tears threatened to escape his eyes. I took him in my arms, and we held each other as we cried.

“If I’d known, I’d have given your mother’s box to you. I wouldn’t have chosen today to give the other box to you.”

I dried up my tears and smiled with all the strength I could find.

“It’s going to be okay. This is my wedding day and he’ll not ruin it, nor my mom, for that matter.” I would continue as the strong woman my mom had raised me to be.

“Give me five minutes to freshen up my makeup and salvage these red eyes. Do you have any eye drops, anything?”

“I don’t, but I’m sure I can find some. I’ll be right back.” El quickly left in search of eye drops, returning as quickly as he’d left. He handed me some Visine and gave me a kiss. “I’ll wait for you outside the door here. When you’re ready, everyone else is in place; we’ll go.”

With that, once again, I was alone. My heart felt something unfamiliar, a jumbled mix of emotions: happiness,sadness, relief, and confusion. I’d have to table that for another day. I looked in the mirror as I reapplied makeup. I thought maybe it was a gift for all I’d been through as a sense of overwhelming peace overtook me. Taking one last look, I headed for the door, opened it, and put my arm in Elliot’s.

“Let's get me married,” I said, with a newfound calm surrounding me.

He escorted me to the upper deck and through the saloon; as the doors opened, my eyes sparkled as they connected with Parkers.

The ceremony was like most other wedding ceremonies, except for the breeze and waves crashing against the boat. When it came time to kiss the bride, Parker wiped a tear that had escaped off my cheek with his thumb. He leaned over with more passion than I'd ever felt and, with such tenderness, kissed me. Everyone cheered as we recessed and walked into the saloon.

“Hi, Mrs. Davis. I’ve waited my entire life for this moment.” Parker took me into his arms and kissed me as a man in love would kiss the love of his life. I kissed him back with eager passion, then broke away.

“Umm. Mr. Davis, I assume we won’t be sneaking off anytime soon?” My eyes burned with desire and passion, and something else Parker didn’t seem able to put his finger on.

“Look at you, my beautiful wife.”

“I think El has already arranged for an exit plan for all the guests following a short reception.” I smiled at that and silently thanked El.

We went back out to the deck, where the guests stood talking. I wore a spaghetti-strapped dress that flowed in the wind, made of the finest silk, with the bosom snug to flare below my waist and swirl around my ankles. I wore no shoes, and my hair was loose to flow free like my heart did. We drank champagne, ate finger food, and chatted with everyone there.

“Everyone, can I have your attention, please?” El called as he tapped the side of his glass. Everyone quieted and turned their attention to him.

“Okay, I know Liv and Parker didn’t want to be traditional. However, in giving her away today, I’ve earned the right to deliver a speech.” Everyone laughed at this, and he continued. “Ahh, Liv, my lovey, how long I’ve known you. Since second grade, you’ve been the sister I never had, me the brother you never wanted. We’ve crashed bikes, dates, and private moments. We’ve been there for each other and fought with and for each other.” More laughter arose from the group. “There was a moment I thought I’d lost you forever, a dreadful act of nature almost taking you from all of us.”

I could hear the ringing in my ears as the memories of us floated through my mind. I couldn’t fathom a day without El in it, nor how near death I had been.

“Obviously, I like this man you’ve chosen to spend yours with.” More chuckles. “I raise my glass to you, Liv, and Parker, as well as all the guests here today. You see, Liv, you not only gained a husband today, but you’ve also gained a family you never had. Cheers, my love, and cheers to all of you who’ve touched Liv’s life and taken her in as if she were one of your very own.”

Cheers went around the room; I turned to look at Parker after mouthingThank youto El and blowing him a kiss.

With tears in his eyes, Parker wrapped me in his arms and whispered, “You’ll always be protected, loved, and supported. I’ll never let you go or let anything bad happen to you again. I love you.”

I kissed him and whispered, “Dance with your wife; they’re playing our song.” He took me to the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the deck and took me in his arms as we swayed to the music of “When a Man Loves a Woman,” after which applause came from our onlookers.

We had an amazing dinner, then cut the wedding cake that I had insisted Deanna make for us. Everyone danced, laughed, and chatted into the night until it was time to leave. We all hugged and said our goodbyes, then escorted the guests onto Parker’s boat as we left for the journey back to Florida for our honeymoon.

