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Coasting across the floor, I take in the groups of people hovering over tables, watching cards being flipped while sliding chips across the surface.

While I move, I hear all the noises coming from the constant working machines. Lights that normally don’t bother me flash away and blare music and I’m once more reminded of Veronica.

I need another drink.

Instead of making sure everything is running smoothly, I’m drifting in the direction of the bar. People step out of my way, making it that much easier.

Finding the twins there isn’t very surprising. This is their favorite spot to hang out when they aren’t busy fetching people for Nicola.

“You look grumpier than usual,” Aldo hums, turning his attention in my direction before I can even get another glass in hand. He leans in, purposely getting in my space. “What’s got your panties in a twist?”

Normally, all I have to do is look a man in the eye to make him cower. Aldo grins. Fearless bastard. He enjoys making people give in to their emotions. He can see I’m a ticking bomb ready to go off at any second.

Elios saves me from answering when he nudges his brother. “Pay attention, fool. She’ll be here any minute.”

I groan at the mention of another woman.

“Who is your target this time?” I ask, assuming a conversation about work can’t hurt. It’s not like these two are in the same boat as myself and Luca.

“Lady Luck.” Elios’ nose scrunches. “She’ll be arriving any moment and Aldo can’t keep his head on his shoulders long enough to focus.”

“Last time I checked, I found her the last two times,” Aldo argues, focusing more on his brother now. “Well, I would’ve found her last week too, butsomeonedemanded a hacker.”

I don’t want to listen to them fight, nor do I care enough to know more about their target. I know enough from watching from above.

We don’t know her identity, not yet. Lady Luck is just a nickname. One well deserved. Anything she plays, she wins. Be it by cheating, or by the rare chance of authentic luck. We’re still unsure.

These two have volunteered to watch her. They’re supposed to catch her in the act so we have a reason to make a move.

Can’t punish an innocent, even if they do take our money. Nicola might be ruthless to his enemies, but he’s still a business owner, caring about his customers.

With a drink in hand, I watch them bicker like they’re still in their teens. Still, in their twenties, it’s hard not to look at them like they’re still youths. Fighting the urge to snort, I spot a familiar head of black hair.

“That’s her, isn’t it?” I tip my glass in her direction. “What do I win?”

Both twins jerk their heads in the direction of where I’m pointing and Elios is on his feet first.

“Moron,” he grumbles under his breath before abandoning us to follow her.

“Isn’t he lovely?” Aldo shakes his head before his smile crawls back to his lip as he stands. “Though, I suppose I can’t let him have all of the fun. Good luck with whatever is upsetting you.”

Good riddance. With no one else to bother me, I finish my glass before placing a food order.

Even if Nicola doesn’t like it, I’m bringing lunch a little early.

* * *

Knocking before entering, I’m too eager when it comes to pushing the door open.

There is no way to describe the relief I feel when seeing Veronica is not only alive, but she’s all alone.

A smile comes to her face when she sees it’s me. Her excitement doubles when she sees the food.

“I never thought you’d return.” Shifting to put her work on a momentary sleep, she wheels her chair toward me. Can’t eat by the technology, not after Dario scolded us the first time we tried.

“I had orders to stay away.” Trying my best to keep the distaste from my voice, my eyes shift to the empty chair I assume Nicola had used while I was away. In retaliation, I take it for myself. “Didn’t want to distract you from the project he put you on.”

Hoping she’d excitedly tell me about whatever work she’s working on, I’m disappointed when she takes my offering without spilling a word. My frown makes her chuckle.
