Page 81 of The Death Games

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It was no longer frightening to me.

It marked the end of this lovemaking session and the beginning of the next.

I couldn’t help but grin at the thought as the gas rushed up the tree, along the branch, and smothering the both of us.

* * *


We had been tossed, turned, chased, and tested, all in the name of an ancient sadistic alien species.

Every time we faced the brink of defeat, that same count pulled us back into the cycle.

The flash of light inside the pod signaled our arrival back into the clutches of this terrible gameshow.

My eyes fluttered open, instantly meeting Talan’s deep golden gaze.

The shared emotion, the fatigue mixed with determination, was clear.

But this time, there was a spark of hope, a silent agreement that we were nearing the end of our tumultuous journey.

Across from our pod, in his own chamber, Krexar lurked.

He was glaring at us, his predatory instincts on full display.

But what really caught his attention were the two glowing light bulbs above our pod, signaling our mating progress.

We had just mated again.

They indicated we were only one step away from ending this whole thing.


Talan, noticing my observation, leaned close to whisper. “Once more, Riley. Just one more mating, and we’re free.”

For the first time, I saw uncertainty in Krexar’s eyes.

His face contorted into an ugly scowl, the reality of our progress — and our change in strategy — dawning on him.

One more mating and we would be free from this relentless cycle.

I reached out, intertwining my fingers with Talan’s, drawing strength from his presence.

I held his gaze for a moment, letting the silence speak for them.

There was a shared acknowledgment of what needed to be done and the challenges we might face to reach our goal.

Determined, I directed my gaze towards Krexar, holding it unwaveringly.

The message was clear:

We wouldnotbe deterred. The murderous intent in his eyes was palpable, but so was our resolve.

This wasn’t just about a game anymore; it was about our shared future, a life beyond the confines of this alien competition.

Talan squeezed my hand, and I felt the weight of his emotions — pride, love, and an unyielding determination.

Our bond, which had been forged amidst adversities, was our most potent weapon.
