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Brody sticks out his bottom lip and pouts. “But I love tequila.”

“Isn’t your girlfriend about to have a baby? Maybe you want to stay sober in case she goes into labor?” I ask.

Brody sighs. “Having a rockstar in the family is not as fun as I expected.”

“Fame isn’t real,” I tell him.

“Is that why you broke up with Indigo? Because you’re famous?” Peace asks.


He nods toward the beer. “You have to drink no matter what.”

“I don’t want to get drunk,” I grumble but I open a bottle and swig from it.

Damon bumps my shoulder. “Now, answer the question or Peace gets to punch you.”

I size Peace up. He’s in shape. As he should be since he’s a police officer. But I’m not a pushover. Running around a stage for two hours while singing requires stamina. Stamina I’ve gained with a running and gym routine. I could handle a punch from him.

But this is an easy question. I’ll save the fights for the hard ones.

“I didn’t break up with Indy because I’m famous, although she believes my fame is the problem.”

I barely finish my response before Damon asks, “Why does Indigo think your fame is a problem?”

I scowl at him. He nods toward the beer bottle in my hand. I sip on my beer as I consider my response.

“She thinks I dumped her in high school to become a rockstar.”

“Did you?” Elder asks.


“Why did you dump Indigo?” Miller asks.

I narrow my eyes on him as I drink from my beer. I’m not stupid. I know this is the question they want to know the answer to. But I’m at a loss as to how much to tell them. I’m not used to having siblings who ask questions and demand answers.

“She deserves better than me.”

Riley smirks. “Why did you tell Indigo you broke up with her?” I glare at him. He couldn’t accept my non-answer as an answer? “This isn’t the first time we’ve played this little game.”

“Great. Something to look forward to.”

“Except you won’t be in Winter Falls for long,” Brody says and I switch my glare to him. “What? Am I wrong?”

“No.” I would have stayed but … I blow out a breath. No sense thinking about what could have been.

“My turn,” Peace begins but Riley cuts him off.

“Nu-uh. He hasn’t answered my question yet.”

Crap. I thought I got away with avoiding his question. Guess not.

“I told Indigo she deserved better than me.”

Everyone groans at my response.

“Does your breaking up with Indigo have something to do with her mother’s arrival in town?” Peace asks.
