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Peace:You never should have kept Skye’s existence a secret.

Damon:Like you didn’t try to keep Olivia’s pregnancy a secret.

Peace:Not the same thing.

Riley:Especially since you can’t keep a secret in Winter Falls anyway.

Cash:Keeping secrets is bad news.

Brody:Oh really?

Elder:If keeping secrets is bad news, you can tell us all about why you had a knock-down, drag-out fight with your woman on the sidewalk yesterday.

Cash:What are you talking about?

Brody:Isn’t he cute? Thinking we don’t already know.

Peace:Warning. Brody probably dug into your private life.

Cash:Not possible.

Brody:I disagree. Also, on a totally unrelated note, you should speak to Damon about investing your money. Keeping cash in the bank is a waste of capital.

Cash:Who the hell do you think you are?

Brody:I’m your brother. You’re older brother.

Riley:He’s been waiting thirty years to be an older brother.

Cash:Brother or not, it’s not okay to dig into my financial records.

Peace:Can you please not discuss Brody breaking the law around me?

Brody:Who says I broke the law?

Peace:Don’t bullshit me, Brody Bragg. I know you.

Brody:And I know I have a list of every single girlfriend you’ve had since you were ten I’m dying to give to Olivia.

Peace:You wouldn’t.

Cash:What’s the big deal? Surely, your girlfriend knows you had other girlfriends before her.

Riley:Olivia’s a nut. She’d probably form a Girlfriends of Peace support group.

Brody:They’d meet up and discuss all things Peace.

Peace:If I promise to let this offense slide, will you promise to burn the list, Brody?

Brody:I think you mean indiscretion not offense.


Damon:I thought today’s discussion was supposed to be about Cash and Indigo.

Cash:My relationship with Indy is none of your business.

Riley:He’s cute.
