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He studies me for a second before nodding. “Okay then. We’re back in the recording studio tomorrow since Cash has his muse back.”

He’s teasing me but I let it slide since he’s not wrong. Indy is my muse. She’s my everything.

Chapter 16

Not happening – words guaranteed to get you in trouble no matter the context


Istumble into the kitchen the next morning. I can barely keep my eyes open. I was up way too late last night mulling over what I overheard Cash say.

I shouldn’t have eavesdropped but when he sings and plays his guitar, I can’t resist. His smoky voice always reels me in. And the lyrics? Oh boy. His kiss brought me to my knees, but those lyrics cracked the wall around my heart.

And I'll fight for your love,

I've always known,

You're the one I need,

The missing piece of me,

I was ready to march into the room and finish up what we started on the sofa, but then he muttered those words ‘not happening’. He doesn’t ever plan to tell me the truth about why he broke my heart. Those cracks in my wall healed right up.

“Good morning, Indigo!” Dylan greets.

“What are you doing here?” I scan the kitchen. Dylan isn’t the only guest this morning. “What are all of you doing here?”

I ask as if I hadn’t heard them all climb into Cash’s bedroom last night. Which is why I’m already dressed and not wearing my PJs. Who wants to bump into a famous rock band in her kitchen while wearing her kitty pajamas? Not this girl.

Gibson smirks. “We had a slumber party.”

Fender grunts. “We fell asleep working on a song.”

Jett sticks his tongue out at Fender. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“I think you have enough adventure in you for the two of us.”

Gibson smiles. “I have a sense of adventure.”

The back door opens and Cash strolls in carrying several bags. “Getting take-out in this town is a hassle,” he mutters before he notices me.

“Good morning, Indy.” He nods toward his band mates. “Sorry about these ruffians. They climbed through my window last night and wouldn’t leave.”

“Says the man who ate all the potato chips,” Dylan murmurs.

Cash ignores him and lifts up the bags he’s carrying. “I brought breakfast as a peace offering.”

“Yes!” Gibson dives at the bags.

Jett snatches a bag from Gibson’s hands. “I’m starving.”

Cash snaps his teeth at them. “If you ruin Indy’s blueberry pancakes, I’m going to kick your asses.”

My stomach rumbles. “Blueberry pancakes?”

Cash hands me a plate. “I remember they’re your favorite.”

Dang it! He’s not supposed to remember my favorite breakfast food. And he definitely shouldn’t be looking into my eyes with warmth in his. I focus on my plate.
