Page 42 of From the Ground Up

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James told him the tavern on the resort property has some of the best burgers in the state. And neither of us can resist a good burger. Sweet potato fries for me, regular for him, and each of us enjoy a tall chilled glass of their house brew. It's the perfect lunch. We haven't had a dinner out with just the two of us in so long that we forgot how relaxing it can be. Looking out at the resort that will be bustling with people in ski gear in a few short weeks, we both sigh in contentment.

Somehow Barrett knew that this was exactly what I needed before we got to the cabin. I finally feel ready to start our week.

“Wanna get out of here?” Barrett asks, pulling my eyes away from the windows, a look of heat in his eyes that's unmistakable.


Chapter Sixteen


Islam the SUV into park, making it rock back and forth. Tess lets out a loud laugh and shakes her head at me before unhooking her seatbelt. She reaches down to the floor by her feet and gathers her belongings, but I have other ideas. She’s moving way too slowly. I have my wife alone with me for the first time in months, and I’m not going to waste a second. The couple’s massage was the perfect way to start our week away, but it also gave me a visual reminder of what I had waiting for me, and I’ve had to control myself for long enough.

I round the hood of the car and open her door. She looks up at me in surprise then lets out a cute little shriek when I grab her by the waist, pull her out of the SUV, and hoist her over my shoulder before I head toward the cabin. I reach into my pocket to grab the key and somehow manage to get it into the door handle and twist before I kick open the door with such force it hits the wall and starts to bounce back at us.

“Barrett! Put me down!” she squeals and wiggles.

I slap her ass and smile. “Not a chance in hell. I know you. You're going to want to unpack, go through the cabin, see everything, get settled…”

She huffs in response and starts to say something, but I interrupt her.

“I know you, darlin', so don't try to deny it.”

“You’re annoying,” she says, but doesn’t mean it. I know she loves it that I can read her so clearly, just like I love it that she can read me.

I make my way down the hall of the small cabin and easily find the only bedroom. In an effort to tame my caveman tactics, I lay her gently on the bed and hover over her. I stare into her beautiful expressive eyes that are filled with excitement. My eyes move to her mouth, naturally pink and lush, and it causes me to lick my lips in response.


“Hey back,” she says, her eyes shining so bright.

I shake my head slightly and close my eyes briefly before opening them up and stare into her eyes. I want her to see the truth in mine when she hears what I’m about to say. “Tess. I love you so much. You're so beautiful you take my breath away. I can't believe you're still mine after this many years, and I swear — on my life, I swear — I will never let you forget that again. Not for a single second. Not for a single moment in your life will you not feel the love I have for you, will you not know that I adore you with everything that I have. I want your heart, your mind... your soul. I want everything you can give me.”

Her eyes well with tears and, as much as I hate seeing her cry, she needs to hear it all.

“When I heard you and Andy talking, I went a little crazy,” I admit.

“Ya think?” she says jokingly, her voice watery.

I smile slightly. “I know. But hearing what you felt — it was hard to hear. That’s not to say I didn’t need to hear it, but it still sucked the life out of me and knocked me back a bit. I can't believe how selfish I've been to not realize it.”


“I know you're going to try to play it off and make excuses for me because that's exactly what we'vebothbeen doing. But it ends now. Letting our jobs consume us, this crap with Grady, Harper still being the biggest cockblock in the history of cockblocks, us forgetting that we were husband and wife first... it's all stuff we've let happen to us, and it's not going to continue. We’re going to keep dating each other. Somehow we forgot that important step in our marriage.

“I want you to know that you matter. That your opinions matter. I want you to know that I don't see any other woman but you. My heart has always been and will forever only be yours. I want to gross the kids out by making out in the kitchen while I grab your ass. I want them to see us cuddling on family movie night. I want them to see us dancing under the stars together. I want to date my wife again.”

The tears are streaming down her face in rapid progression. I can't swipe them away with my thumb fast enough.

“Barrett, I swear I want to say something sappy and beautiful because that's what you just gave me, but you stole all my thoughts. You read my mind perfectly and, gah, I just love you!” she cries out then grabs the back of my neck and brings my mouth down to hers with such force our teeth nash together. We both pull away laughing before I softly bring my mouth down to hers again and kiss her the way she deserves to be kissed. With love, passion, and forever.

Our hands are everywhere, slowly and quickly at the same time. I want to touch her freely, openly... loudly. I want to reclaim her body as mine and remind her that she has always and only been mine. As we manage to get each other undressed, my rough calloused hands a sharp contrast to her soft skin, I relish in every moment.

Seeing her naked and open for me with no risk of a distraction has me hard and aching for her. I can’t wait to sink into her. I also can’t wait to taste every single inch of her incredible body, but that is all going to come later. Right now, I plan to fit myself with protection so I don’t explode on contact and become one with Tess once again. I reach down into my jeans and pull out a condom, and she bursts into a fit of giggles.

“I’m sorry. It’s just so… it’s just so funny to me.”

“Darlin’, you have no idea how badly I want this. I even took care of myself this morning in the shower in hopes it will make me last longer, but seeing you laid out before me now, I don’t know if it really made a difference or not.” I smile down at her, completely unashamed.
