Page 70 of From the Ground Up

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“Well, if it isn’t the two star-crossed lovers,” Grady teases too. So much like his dad it’s creepy at times.

“You just wait, little brother. When Bri gets here tomorrow, all bets are off.” Cole grins, not really caring at all, but pulls Mia into his side in a protective manner that has me chuckling.

My own nerves about who’s showing up tomorrow will no doubt be coming through soon, so I’m not about to join in on the teasing.

Grady’s return grin is unashamed. “Bring it on. I’ve been taking this family’s sh…” He catches himself as he looks at his parents. “…crap for years about Bri. I’ve built up a tolerance to it.”

“Welcome, Mia. Barrett and I are so happy you’re here with us.” Tess interrupts their good-natured sibling ribbing.

“Thanks, Tess. Thank you for having me.”

“Of course, sweetheart. We couldn’t be more excited to have you in our home. We’ll catch up soon but for now go ahead and bring your stuff to Maggie’s room. You can sleep in there with her, if that works for you.”

Maggie doesn’t give her a chance to respond before she’s dragging her off to her room by the arm, Mia’s bag in Maggie’s hand. She could have just stayed at home this weekend, but she wants to be around family, or so Tess told me. I wonder if she wants to be around Cole, too, but if Tess and Barrett aren’t bothered by it, who am I to argue?

I hear Tess’s phone ring, and a huge smile lights up my baby sister’s face.

“Is my baby girl there yet? Where’s my handsome son-in-law?” I hear Lauren’s voice come through the FaceTime speaker call.

Tess’s laughter bubbles out of her, and I shake my head. I’ve dealt with those two for so many years now I decide to leave them to it. I don’t need to be around to hear their squealing. I learned to tune them out years ago. I walk into Cole’s room, the room I’ve claimed as my own but will do him the honor of sharing with me for a few days, no doubt crimping any plans he may have to spend some extra time with Mia. I hope to have a few minutes to catch up with my oldest nephew.

Tonight we’re making homemade pizza together. I’m not nervous to tell them my news. They’ve wanted me to move back home for years now but over the last few years I’ve been thinking of it more and more. When I stayed with the kids while Barrett and Tess were at the cabin, an opportunity came up. An opportunity I put out of my mind as even an option years ago. But this restaurant is perfect. I’ve always wanted to find a space where I could claim the kitchen as my own.

I’m excited to move on, to move forward. To get into a better place than where I’ve spent the last several years. I put my life on hold while I raised Lily, and I don’t regret a single moment of it. I wouldn’t change anything, but it’s my time now. And I have my sights set on more than just a new restaurant and conquering my own kitchen.
