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After scanning her fingerprint, Jessica gave her directions to the locker room directly off the seating area. “After you change into your appropriate club wear, please leave everything in your assigned locker. No electronics are allowed in the play spaces. You will be checked in by security before being allowed into the rest of the club. Please take the time to see all the areas available to members. You will scan your finger whenever you visit one of the bars for something to drink, and all members are restricted to two alcoholic beverages. The system will not allow the servers to give you any more. Do you have any questions?”

She didn’t, so she went into the massive locker room. The assigned locker meant she could leave some things there between visits and not have to carry them back and forth. The room was well appointed with a large seating area and mirrors for primping prior to going to the play area.

Standing in front of her locker, she placed the green leather bracelet around her right wrist. Green was reserved for the submissives open to intercourse, and wearing it would let everyone in the room know her needs without her having to say anything. She removed her three-inch heels and the wrap dress she had put on over her club outfit before walking over to the full-length mirror to admire the black leather corset with gold trim she’d paired with her black leather miniskirt. Would she would be allowed to keep the thong hidden under the skirt? While pulling her hair back into a high ponytail, she couldn’t help but think about the polar opposite sides of her personality, but tonight was not the time for reflection. Tonight was about finding the right Dominant to bring her to the brink, allowing her to get out of her own head, even if only for one night. Lately, work had been especially stressful, and with the club being closed even temporarily, she felt as if things were getting out of control. She needed to find the peace that she could only find from submitting to an experienced Dom. Not having it was affecting all aspects of her life as her stress levels increased.

She took a deep breath before stepping away from the mirror and out of the locker room, unsure why she was so nervous today. She had been a sexual submissive for the majority of her adult life. Not looking for the lovey-dovey romantic Dom sub relationship, she just needed a strong man to bring her to her knees. She loved the slight bite of pain, loved the escape it gave her when she was able to give in to it then walk away and go back to her everyday life. At this club, she could get what she needed in a safe place, and the Doms who played with her knew the score and agreed to her limits or they didn’t get to play. Simple.

She walked through the door and looked toward the hall to nirvana. She hoped the Doms were ready to play today because it had been too long, and she had needs. A woman with purpose, she walked up to the security person standing between her and where she needed to be.

“Good evening, little one,” the burly man said, looking at her right wrist. “I need to check you for any electronic devices before allowing you access to the play areas. Do you consent to being searched?”

Of course she would consent. If she didn’t, she would not get what she needed. “Search away,” she replied with a coy smile. It never hurt to flirt a little with the gatekeepers. After all, he was stuck out here, not allowed to play. He smiled back at her, but he kept it purely professional as he patted her down, which did not surprise her in the slightest. It wasn’t like this outfit left any room for her to hide anything anyway.

“You are all clear, Miss Gardner, and welcome to the new A Cut Above. We have dungeon monitors throughout the club, and you will know who they are because they wear black bands around the top of their right arms. If you need anything, just let one of them know. The entire club operates on the stoplight system. You can choose a safeword during your negotiation, but know if something happens, all you have to do is yell red, and one of the dungeon monitors will be there to help right away. Would you like someone to give you a tour of the club, or would you prefer to check things out on your own?” This man was all business, and she found that very comforting.

“I think I would like to wander around for a while and see where the night takes me.” It had better take her to a Dominant who would give her what she needed. The security man let her through, and she couldn’t decide which direction to head first. This was like a grown-up candy store for Texas’ elite, and she wanted a taste of the delights. Where the original club had been small and never really crowded, this place was crawling with Dominants and submissives alike. She recognized several men from the hospital, no big surprise. Most doctors had alpha written all over them. Well, not her. She liked handing over control, even if for a short period but during a scene only. When the scene was done so was she.

As she turned the corner to the left, she entered the widest hall she had ever seen. On the left side, an open door led to a large playroom outfitted with every piece of equipment she had ever seen. Her eyes immediately found the St. Andrew’s cross in the far corner. This was a favorite of hers, the escape of being tied to the cross, her body mastered by an experienced Dom.

She wouldn’t say she loved pain, but when her Dominant for the night decided to tie her to the cross and turn her ass red, she enjoyed turning herself and her body over to whatever he wanted to give her. Submission in all of its forms brought peace to her otherwise crazy mind. Over the years, she’d tried to figure out why, but the truth was she was just wired that way. She’d suffered no childhood traumas, no abuse at the hands of some authority figure in her life. But she was at a point in her life where she’d decided to just accept herself for who and what she was, to hell with anyone who might want her to change.

After exploring the large playroom, she decided to continue with her self-led tour and see what other wonders there were to be had. The door across the hall was closed but held a plaque that saidThe doctor iswith a hanging card under it turned toin. This must be for medical play, but she dealt with the sickest of the sick all day long and had no need to play that on her few nights off.

The next door on the right was labeled as thebondage room. The open door revealed a vast array of furniture and equipment that would allow someone to be secured in any number of ways. In the far corner, a couple was obviously enjoying their use of the bondage swing. A cross, a bondage chair, a horse, and, closest to the door, a bed that looked like it could be used to secure a sub in any number of ways. Just thinking about being tied to that bed and used roughly, made her want nothing more. She shuddered as she went to look at the plaque next to the door across the hall.Classroomwas not her kink, either, but more power to them. The last room on the left was for water sports, a hard limit for her, so she didn’t even stop to look inside.

The last one on the right was a large open room with lots of seating and a bar in the left corner opposite the door. This room was full of people milling around with their colored wristbands clearly in place. This was a smorgasbord of different kinks, but she sought only the men with the green bracelets. They could give her what she needed. It had been far too long, and tonight she was finally going to have her release.

She recognized a few of the Dominants in the room, but there were a few new men and women wearing green bracelets. She had been a submissive for too many years not to understand she should not approach a Dominant, but damn if she didn’t want to. So, instead, she walked over to the bar and ordered a club soda. Not much for alcohol anyway, she never drank when she played. It allowed for mistakes to be made, and she did not make mistakes.

After receiving her drink, she turned and scanned the room for a place to sit. She approached a small grouping of chairs with two women she didn’t recognize but no green bracelets. She would stand out to a Dominant interested in a submissive for the night. “Hi, ladies. Is it okay if I sit here?” She motioned to one of the empty chairs.

The women looked up at her and grinned.

“Of course, you are welcome to join us,” answered a beautiful young brunette with kind eyes. She wore a white bracelet to let everyone know she was taken, but even without it, no one could have missed the diamond collar around her neck. “My name is Lainie, and this degenerate is Bridget.” She thumbed at the woman sitting to her right who also wore a white bracelet and gold collar. Something about seeing these obviously happy claimed women tugged at her heart a little.

She immediately shook off the uncomfortable feeling. “It’s so nice to meet you,” she said as she sat in the empty seat next to them. These ladies were so comfortable with each other, something Samantha didn’t really have. She never felt all that comfortable with other women, so she didn’t have any meaningful friendships. She worked and played at the club, but she spent the majority of her time when she wasn’t working, alone.

“I’ve seen you around. You’re the one who rarely scenes with the same Dom twice.” Didn’t Bridget have a filter?

“Bridget!” Lainie elbowed her friend in the stomach.

“I am a submissive, but not everybody is cut out to belong to a man.” She smiled as she answered. These women she could be friends with. Though Bridget asked inappropriate questions, she didn’t seem judgmental about it and what more could she ask? “I’ve seen you both as well. In fact, I saw your collaring, Lainie. It was beautiful. Of course, that man of yours is H.O.T. Hot.” She smiled, hoping she had not gone too far.

“Damn, Lainie. I like this girl. And she is totally correct. Your man is hot.” Bridget hid her giggle behind her hand.

“Of course he is. Just ask all the other subs who were around before I moved here.” Lainie smiled as only a woman secure in her relationship could. “But, now, they all know I am a badass and will take down any woman who thinks they can steal what’s mine.” Samantha had no doubt this was true.

Their conversation continued for a while, and Samantha found she really liked the two women. One of the owners, Lainie’s Dom was busy with the grand opening of the club, but he did come and check on her several times while the ladies talked. Bridget explained her husband was working late and unsure if he was going to be able to come, but nothing could have stopped her from being there for the reopening.

Samantha looked around, feeling slightly jumpy. Would she ever be approached? Sure, it was great hanging out with these ladies, but what she really needed could only be found at the hands of a Dominant man. When she looked up, she saw a sexy man wearing a black bracelet and looking straight at her. Maybe this night was going to turn around after all.

“Well, well, well. Look who is checking you out,” Bridget commented immediately.

“He is hot, but I’ve never seen him before. Do either of you know who he is?” If he was here, he had been thoroughly vetted but, still, the way she liked to play demanded trust, even if it came from secondhand knowledge.

“That’s Dan. I don’t know a lot about him, but the submissives who enjoy some pain with their pleasure really seem to like him,” Bridget answered.

“Sounds like my kind of Dom,” Samantha mumbled. She turned her body slightly, hoping it would entice him to come toward her. She placed her right hand on her knee to bring attention to her green bracelet. It didn’t take long before his eyes zoomed in on her bracelet and he started across the room toward them.Yes, finally. This night is starting to look up.

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