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“Well, good evening, ladies,” he schmoozed. Up close, he was nowhere as attractive as at a distance. Not that he had to look good as long as he could handle an implement well. If he could give her what she needed, he could look like Godzilla as far as she cared.

“Hello.” Samantha was pushing by not using a title, but she needed to figure out quickly if he would be worth her time or not.

His eyebrow hitched, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve seen you around and assumed you understood the lifestyle, sub. Was I wrong to think this?”

Well, he put on his big Dom pants tonight, didn’t he?Though she should have used the title of sir when the Dominant approached, his response set her teeth on edge a little bit. But it wasn’t enough to put her completely off. She needed release and, so far, no other had approached to give it to her.

“No, you were not wrong, I have been in the lifestyle for years.” Shit, she didn’t know why she was pushing his buttons, but she couldn’t bring herself to call him sir. She heard a giggle from her left and turned to see the two women she was sitting with huddled together, their chests rapidly moving up and down with silent laughter.

“So, you’re seeking a swift punishment. I can certainly accommodate. Follow me.” He turned as if he expected her to simply follow. She needed this badly enough today that she’d stood to follow when she spotted a face she never thought she would see again, especially not here.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to clear the image. It was not possible he was here. When she peeked again, she was looking into deep-brown eyes. “Derrick?” she whispered. “How?” Before she could finish the thought, the Dominant whose name she could no longer remember stopped.

“Sub, I gave you instructions. Why have you decided not to obey?” He was approaching her.

Derrick answered before her thought processes even had time to catch up. “She won’t be following you anywhere, so you need to turn around and find someone else to play with. It won’t be her.” So, the quiet boy from high school had become hot. He was not just a little hot but mega hot and Dominant.

“I don’t remember speaking to you, and she is wearing a green bracelet, which means she is not taken and free to make the choice for herself.”

Samantha rolled her eyes with the thought of going with him now.

“You may not have been speaking to me, but I sure as hell am talking to you. You will turn around and walk away right now if you know what is good for you.” Derrick’s tone was even and controlled, but there was an underlying something Samantha couldn’t put her finger on at the moment.

“Who in the hell do you think you are to walk up and interrupt us. You need to go back to wherever the fuck you came from before I report you.” He was not backing down. Stupid.

“My name is Derrick, not that it matters. I am curious, though, who do you plan on reporting this to?” He stepped up and butted chests with the other Dominant. This would not be good.

“Enough, boys. I just wanted a little fun tonight, but the two of you are killing my joy.” Maybe if she put their attention on something besides each other, they could get through the night without bloodshed. Derrick had filled out in the years since she’d seen him and in all the right places. He looked like he could do some serious damage if he wanted to.

The two men continued to stand chest to chest, neither acknowledging her.

“So, Derrick, are you going to walk away and let me get on with my night with this beautiful sub, or are we going to have a conversation with security?” Dan asked with a smirk on his face.

What the fuck? They were completely ignoring her existence, which did not sit well at all. She may be a submissive, but she still deserved respect, and this sure as hell was not it.

“We can, but since I am their boss, I don’t see that going very well for you. So, here are your two choices. You can either walk away right now and find someone else to play with, or you can continue this, which will only lead to you being thrown out on your ass. What’s it gonna be?”

“She isn’t worth all of this anyway,” he grumbled as he turned and walked away.

Derrick turned to her with a smirk on his face, the kind that said, “I won.”

“What in the hell was that?” It took all of the self-control she could muster not to start screaming at him. Who did he think he was? It had been twenty years since they’d laid eyes on each other, and if he thought he was going to show up in her sanctuary and ruin everything, he had another think coming.

“I would think you would appreciate that I just saved you from spending your evening with an absolute douche. Do you really think he would give you what you need?” The left side of his mouth rose slightly.

Cocky ass.

“Like you would have any idea what I need. So, I knew you a lifetime ago. What makes you think you could possibly know anything about me now?” She was getting angry. Maybe she was making a mistake with the way she spoke to him, but she was too far gone to care. “You have no right to interfere in my life, you son of a bitch.” Before she could think of what she was doing, she fled the room, raced to the dressing room, grabbed her stuff, and ran outside as quickly as she could, worried he might follow her.

When she got behind the wheel of her car, she started it up and pulled out of the parking lot like the devil himself was on her heels. She drove home so fast she didn’t quite know how she got there. She was in her apartment with the front door shut before she allowed herself to take a deep breath.What in all that is holy just happened? This was in no way how she saw her night going, and she was left feeling out of sorts.


What a clusterfuck.Derrick had waited for years to see Samantha again, and she ran away so fast he didn’t have time to react before she was out of the room. He heard women giggling behind him, so he turned to see Matthew’s girl and her friend had witnessed the entire spectacle.

“Damn, you really are great with women, aren’t you?” The woman he had been told was Bridget laughed at him. He forced himself to remember he was not allowed to punish her for her smart-ass attitude. The women’s faces showed pity, and he did not like it at all.

“I know I am going to regret asking this, but what exactly do you mean?” Her grin set his teeth on edge, but he couldn’t help himself.
