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“Well, I’m glad you think so.” He pulled the towel off and dried himself, a cocky grin on his face. Damn Dom knew what he did to her, and he had no shame.

“You know I think you’re hot, though I don’t really understand your fascination with my ass. Are you just an ass man?” She smiled at him, loving their give and take. They could easily go from Dom and sub to playful lovers and back again.

“I’m a man who loves every inch of your delectable body. It all belongs to me, and I will claim it in whatever way I want, and you will love every minute.” His dominance turned her on like nothing else, and watching him get ready for the day was so domestic it was becoming a bit of a mind fuck.

“I need to get going.” She grabbed her shoulder bag from the chair where she had thrown it. “Just call me when you get to the hospital, and I will meet you so you can pull this thing out of my ass and we can eat.” She’d turned to leave the room when she heard his throat clearing from behind her.

“Do you seriously think I’m going to let you leave here without a kiss?” He walked over to her with no shame for his state of undress.

She needed to be careful, or she would throw herself at him and beg him to take her while she kept that damn plug in.That would feel fucking amazing. Damn. Now I’m even hornier.

“I know you don’t want to be late, but you don’t leave without a kiss goodbye, ever,” he growled before grabbing her by the back of the neck and kissing the life out of her, and what a way to go.

He pulled back too quickly. “Now, that is what I like to see. You all flushed with only thoughts of me to fill your head before you go.” He turned her toward the door and smacked her ass. “Out. I’ll see you at lunch.”

By the time she made it to the hospital, Samantha was ready to face the day. She loved what she did even on the most stressful days. She spent her drive to the hospital mentally preparing for what the day might bring. Gracie was not improving. She needed to have a conversation with her father, and it would not go over well at all.

Pulling into her parking spot, she took a deep breath and centered herself. Doing so shifted the plug in her back end slightly, which brought her thoughts to Derrick and their weekend. He made her feel safe, even if he was overprotective. She still wasn’t convinced there was any real threat from the wannabe at the club the other night, but it was sweet the way he worried about her.

After the first couple of hours, Samantha felt drained. The typical Monday morning was enough to force her to the cafeteria for a cup of what they liked to call coffee. While she stood in line, she couldn’t shake the feeling somebody was watching her. She looked around, but nothing caught her eye, so she brushed the feeling off, and continued to the cashier.

Unable to help herself, she looked around again, this time noticing Dr. Michaels huddled in the corner talking to a man who looked familiar, but she couldn’t quite place him. He made her feel uncomfortable in a way that set her teeth on edge.

“That will be $1.50, ma’am.” She handed the cashier the money she owed. After receiving her change, she glanced back to the corner, but the men were gone. It all happened so fast it made her wonder if it had happened at all.Damn. Derrick is wearing off on me. I need to get more sleep.

Samantha went back to her clinic on the third floor of the medical office building connected to the hospital. She had patients to see until lunch then back to the hospital for rounds.

The rest of the morning went by quickly, and she finally finished with her last clinic patient as her cell buzzed in her pocket. Pulling it out as she walked back to her office, she saw the text from Derrick.I’m in the hospital. Will meet you in the cafeteria.Followed immediately by,I can’t wait to pull my plug out of your ass. You’d better find a private place.But it didn’t stop there.Unless you want everyone to know, in which case I am happy to pull it out in the middle of the waiting room.She’d been so busy throughout the day she’d forgotten it was in. What did that say about her?

* * *

* * *

No thank you, Sir. I’ll leave the exhibitionism at the club.Leave it to her to give him just the right answer. He would never be bored as long as he had her in his life. She would always keep him on his toes.

He walked into the cafeteria and immediately zeroed in on his woman having a heated discussion with another doctor. Her scowl made him want to kick the other man’s ass. However, he stood back and watched, waiting to see if she would need him to step in. She could hold her own, but damn if he didn’t want her not to have to.

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. He couldn’t hear what they were discussing, but if didn’t end soon, he would go over, and damn the consequences. As if she sensed his presence, Samantha turned toward him. A smile crept across her face before she turned back to the douche, sobering immediately.

Derrick’s hands clenched into fists. This was her place of work, which meant he couldn’t jump in and save her every time some asshole decided to mess with her. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to though. Samantha turned on her heel and headed for him. Her slight swagger was because of the plug he’d placed before she left. His dick hardened in his pants. It seemed it had a mind of its own and didn’t care that he was standing in the middle of the hospital cafeteria.

Samantha threw her arms around him, looking as if she had not a care in the world. She didn’t seem to care who might be watching, and he loved it. “You have no idea how good it is to see you, Sir,” she whispered. She must have had a rough day if she was calling him Sir outside of a scene.

“Come on, Red. Let’s get you something to eat, and you can tell me all about it.” He led her to the line where she got a salad and he chose a cheeseburger and fries. He eyed her salad with disgust. If she was eating that way because she wanted to change her appearance, then he would have something to say about it. He loved the way she looked, and she didn’t need to change a damn thing.

“Derrick, don’t glare at my food like that. It never did anything to you.” She grinned at him and stole yet another piece of his heart.

“Why are you eating that shit anyway?” She’d better have the right answer, or he might have to turn her over his knee and spank her before removing her plug.

“I happen to like salads. I like being healthy. What in the world is wrong with that?” she asked him as they walked to a table in the corner.

“Nothing at all. I just want to make sure you aren’t on some diet. I happen to like this body just the way it is.”

“No worries, I’m not doing anything of the sort, so you can put your Dom away for the time being.” She chuckled at him. He laughed in return.

Once they sat, he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. “Would you like to tell me what was going on with that guy when I walked in? If he was giving you a hard time, I could kick his ass for you. In fact, I know how to kill people several ways that could never be traced.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, making light of his threat, though every word was true.

“No need for violence, though you threatening to kill a man for me is sexier than I care to admit. He is just a resident who has issues with a woman being in authority over him. Sometimes I have to put him in his place, which I have no problem doing.” Damn, his woman was strong, but something in her eyes made him wonder if there was more going on.
