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“Tell me about your day.” Not a question, a command.

“It’s been fine.” She shoveled a bite of her rabbit food in without expanding on the thought.

“Fine? Why is it I don’t believe that at all. So, I’m giving you another chance to talk to me before I am forced to do something about it that you may or may not like.” He would take care of her whether or not she felt like she needed it.

“Okay, all right, jeesh. Nothing in particular has been wrong today, but I have just felt off. It has been a freaking Monday all day long.”

“You promise, nothing else has happened? You have to let me in and not just in the bedroom.” He didn’t care if people could hear him. This was his woman, dammit, and she needed to realize what that meant.

She stroked her finger down his cheek. “You are amazing, you know that? I promise nothing has happened other than the conversation you witnessed. Don’t you sometimes just have an off day?” Truth lay in her eyes. “No, I guess you wouldn’t really have off days in your line of work. You’re the guy who makes sure everyone else is okay.”

He leaned over and kissed her. She was perfect for him.

They enjoyed the rest of lunch, making small talk and just enjoying their time together. After he finished his last French fry, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Are you ready for me to take that plug out, Red?”

Samantha whispered back, “Well, I was thinking, what if we kept it in, and tonight you can take it out and replace it with your cock?” Then she licked the shell of his ear.

Derrick became rock-hard in an instant. “Well damn, woman. I have a meeting to go to this afternoon, and all I’m going to be able to think about is sinking it in your tight ass.” He reached under the table and slid his hand up her leg and under her skirt until he felt the top of her stockings.Damn, if that isn’t the sexiest thing ever.

He didn’t stop his upward search until he hit her thong. It was sopping wet. She was just as turned on as he was. He dragged one finger under her thong and up her slit until he hit her clit. She moaned, and her entire body shivered. When he pulled his hand out, he brought it to his mouth and sucked her juices from his finger. “Mmm, so sweet.”

She groaned, and, pushing her food away, she laid her head on her arms on the table. Work or not, he had no doubt he could have gotten her off right. But she would have been mortified.

“Red, sit up and look at me.” He waited for her to comply.

When she raised her hooded eyes, he wondered if anybody would try to stop him if he put her in a fireman’s carry and got her the hell out of there.

“I would give anything if we were someplace private.” Her voice was gruff.

“I would, too, my sweet. However, you have a workday to finish, and I have a meeting. If it matters, I’m miserable, too. Before you even consider it, you are absolutely not allowed to masturbate. You can stay just as pent up as I am until we are together tonight, is that clear?” He wanted her so needy that after dinner she could explode from a mere look.

“Damn you,” she grumbled.

“Oh, and don’t think I’m going to let the attitude slide.” He stood up and reached out to help her up.

“You don’t play fair.” She pouted at him.

“Never said I would.” He leaned down and kissed her before picking up their trash from the table. They walked together to the exit of the cafeteria where he threw away their trash. “I need to get out of here. Remember what I said, and I’ll make it worth your while. Don’t, and I will be the only one having any fun tonight.” He kissed her forehead and left without looking back. She’d tried to have the upper hand with the offer of her ass, but he would always win.

* * *

Entering the office building brought Derrick’s good mood to a halt. Though he had loved his time in the SEALs, this wasn’t something he wanted to continue. He had Samantha to think about and being on call all of the time just didn’t appeal to him any longer.

“Hey, man.” Scott followed him onto the elevator. “Glad you could make it.” He put his hand on Derrick’s shoulder, which he immediately shrugged off. They were here to do a job, but that didn’t mean he was all touchy feely and shit.

“It wasn’t like you gave me a choice, Scott. Let’s get this shit over with.” These meetings always put him on edge. So much information, but never enough to find the dickhead who had been selling women right under their noses. If Derrick ever got his hands on him, there was no telling what he would do.

When they reached the office, Derrick looked around at the men he thought of as “the suits.” He was always underdressed every time they called him in, and he couldn’t give a damn. If they didn’t like it, then it was just too fucking bad.

He walked in and sat down, waiting to be informed what this was about. It wasn’t like they couldn’t email him any information he might need. He saw these meetings as a waste of time, and that just pissed him off.

“Glad you could make it, Strong,” James, the lead asshole, said.

“Yeah, I’m here. What’s so important it had to be discussed in person. I thought the point of my role was that I wouldn’t have to hang out with you guys, no offense.”

“None taken, but there are things you need to know, and time is of the essence. We have intel the unsub will be making some moves early next week in Mexico. You fly out next Monday morning.”

“What’s the plan?” He was in SEAL mode, letting everything else go. Scott handed him a notebook with everything together in one place. He might be an ass-kissing douche, but at least he was organized.

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